Konoha and Ninjas

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3rd Pov

The once cheerful chat turned into a long, silent walk between two boys. As for the four teens above them, they were just as suspicious of the two boys were of each other. "I've never seen big brother this upset." Sasuke sighed to himself as he continued with his team. "Maybe he's hungry. How about we get ramen after this?" The bright-haired, Naruto smiled as he mentioned his favorite food. "You're such a Dobe." "Shutup, Teme!" The couple went back and forth with nicknames as Sakura scoffed at their antics and Sai studied their actions to learn the concept of 'human emotions'. "Ever since that idiot came along, Izuku has been acting weird." Sakura glanced down at the two boys below her.

As for Izuku and Katsuki... they were still silent. "Izuku... please talk to me. I hate when it's quiet." Katsuki isn't the type of person to beg, he doesn't take pity and gets what he wants by his own efforts. But when it comes to Izuku, his heart doesn't allow him to give Izuku the same attitude that he gives everyone else. To him, Izuku is special. And those who are special get special treatment. "If you're mad because I left, I get it. Just tell me. I can take it." No matter what the blonde said, Izuku continued to ignore him. "Damnit Izuku! Why won't you talk? You can't just disappear and not expect me to ask about you when we meet again. It's almost like you left because of me."

Despite his angry and harsh appearance and attitude, Katsuki is actually a sensitive and emotional person. He looks down on himself, viewing himself as less than he actually is. So for his biggest supporter to not reassure him, he obviously will over-analyze the situation. (Is it weird that I find this canon?) "You left just to get rid of me, didn't you? If you felt that way, you should have just told me, damn it!" Katsuki muttered, just loud enough for Izuku to hear. "Wait, Kacchan. Don't say tha-" Izuku was cut off by his panicked friend. "All that stuff you wrote. It was all a lie, right? Just like them. You lied too!" Caught in the moment, Izuku, in fluent movements spun around and pinned Katsuki to the tree next to him. One arm grabbed both of Katsuki's wrists and his knee was planted in between Katsuki's legs, caging him in with his figure. (Go ahead and imagine it, I know I sure did😛)

"Don't you dare say I didn't mean a word of what I wrote! You hear me?!" Stunned by the sudden movement, Katsuki just stared at his companion. "For the love of Kami, Kacchan. You have no idea how happy I am to see you. I just, need time to process what you told me."  Izuku's free hand cupped Katsuki's cheek, his thumb lightly brushing his lips. "If only you knew how much I missed you after I left." As Izuku hummed in Katsuki's ear, he leaned his body onto Katsuki's. "We have so much to catch up on." "You two ok down there?" As if on cue, Naruto shouted down at the boys, snapping them both out of the weird trance-like state. "Umm, yeah. We're ok, thanks Naruto." Izuku shouted back up. Katsuki took this as an opportunity to free himself from the other boy's grip. "Jeez, you could have broken my wrist." "Sorry, Kacchan."

Both boys dusted themselves off, not before turning the other way to avoid the sight of their own blushing faces. 'We were so close!' While sharing the same thought,  they tried to start up a conversation again. (I feel awkward and I'm not even there smh🤨😖) "So... where are we going? You never told me." 'Shit! That was awkward!' "Oh, we're going back to my village. The one I told you about. Remember?" "I think so..." "Well, that's where we're headed. And we need to get there quick considering... umm..." Izuku pointed to his friend's leg. "HOLY SHIT!" He had totally forgotten about the deep cut in his leg. "THAT HURTS LIKE A BITCH!" With that, Katsuki received a slap to the back of the head. "Language!" "Japanese/English." What can I say, Katsuki is a brat at heart ._. 

~Time Skip~ 

In front of a huge gate stood six teenagers. "WE'RE BACK! COME ON SASUKE! LET'S GET RAMEN!" Naruto ran through the gates dragging his 'My Chemical Romance' boyfriend with him. Sakura whined about getting her nailed done with Ino and Sai just walked in while reading a book called 'Different Interactions Between Teenagers'. "I should probably get you to Lady Tsunade as soon as possible. I don't want that cut to get infected." Izuku reminded himself as he grabbed Katsuki's hand and skipped into the opened gates. "You live here? It's so..." "So different, right?" A small smile formed on the shorter male's face as he observed his taller counterpart. "Come on, Kacchan! This way!" Izuku's grip on Katsuki's hand tightened slightly as he pulled him through the village while Katsuki scanned the areas he was in.

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