EPISODE 23 (Bakugo)

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On the same day class1A had taken their provisional licenses they all went back to UA were they made a small party in their dorms to celebrate their success on achieving their semi-hero licenses

Izuku:(I wonder if AllMight saw it yet)

Kirishima: texting someone

Izuku: yup

Most of class1A were in the living room talking to each other izuku was on his phone before hearing someone calling him

Bakugo: Yo

Izuku: Guh!

Bakugo: meet me out front later

Izuku: What-

Bakugo: we gotta talk about your quirk

Before everyone knew it it was finally night everyone went to their perspective rooms to sleep except a two who had left the dorms bakugo had kept walking heading off towards a specific place mean while being follow by izuku asking to tell him what he wanted but before he knew it they had reach a specific place for both of them

Izuku: this is..ground beta

Bakugo:... I fought you here during our first battle training... its were I lost to you and I've been feeling like crap about it ever since...


Bakugo: a worthless quirkless wonder like you... somehow got into UA of all places.. and somehow got a quirk of his own


Bakugo: since the whole sludge thing..nah.. since AllMight came to town really.. higher and higher and now you got your license while I didn't I mean what the he'll seriously

Izuku: I would saw it necessary-


Izuku: ack sorry!

Bakugo: this whole time I dealt crappy about it it's been pissing me off but then after the business in kamino I got this idea

Izuku: ...

Bakugo: see I been thinking that you got your quirk form AllMight

Izuku:... my power isn't of AllMight but from someone else..

Bakugo: huh?

Izuku: I have made it my own.. AllMight had aswell given his power to me aswell..

Bakugo: fucking really two then what-

Izuku: but.. I refused it and gave it to someone who deserved it more


Izuku: to clean things out kacchan I did receive his power but gave it to someone else

Izuku turned around planning to walk away but before he could do it Bakugo said one more thing out

Bakugo: that blonde girl..

Izuku stoped death in his track amazed that his childhood friend had figured it out that fast

Bakugo: from class1B.. she had the some lighting you had when ever we fought during the sport festival nobody else remembers that but I do..


Bakugo: seeing you like that lets me know I'm right


Bakugo: you.. look up to AllMight  hm ain't that right so I'm here asking what did they saw in you a pebble in my path recognized them the one I admire

IZUKU THE IOP GOD (Paused/Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now