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" Hex on sleep mode?" Boyfriend, or Keith, asked as his girlfriend, Cherry, shrugged.

"holy crap- Hex!" the two heard a voice as they looked at the direction of where the voice was from.

"who are you?" Keith asked as the person inhaled and exhaled for air. that person was you. "I'm..(y/n)." you answered.

"I'm here to see Hex, what happened to him?" you asked the two. "we, uh..rap battled and a virus got to him." Keith answered as you sigh and nod.

"what's your name? and the girl with you too?" you asked. "I'm Keith, and this is my girlfriend, Cherry!" Keith exclaimed as Cherry waved at you, smiling.

"nice names..I should bring Hex home now." you said as the two nodded. "I'll see you later, then!" Keith waved as you nod. "yeah, see ya guys." you smiled softly as you carried Hex to your car. he's heavy, you admit, but you still love him as the way he is.


you finally got to your home as you brought Hex to the living room, you put your hand on his computer head and sigh. "I keep telling you, you need to rest when you need to, but you're always stubborn about it." you mutter as you sit beside him.

after a few minutes, you heard a voice. "huh..? (y/n)?"

you looked beside you and saw Hex, and he's now awake. "Hex!" you exclaimed as you hug him.

"what happened?" he asked. "silly, you rap battled someone and got a virus!" you said. "oh, I remember..!" he responded as you scolded him.

"I kept telling you to be careful when you do those kind of stunts!" you exclaimed and tutted. "sorry, (y/n)..." he looked down as you sigh.

"it's alright, as long as you're alright, I'll be happy." you smile and kissed his cheek (or screen HSHDHS). he smiled back as he pulled you into a hug, making you hug him back.

"I love you, (y/n)."

"I love you too, Hex."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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