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monday 8:22 am

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monday 8:22 am

i was sitting in class, my head rested on my hand. my mind wandering into daydreams as the lesson goes through one ear out the other.

"l/n what is the constant of this

i look at the graph in the textbook in front of me, opened on my desk.



i let out a sigh of relief and go back to doodling in my notebook.

my mind just couldn't help but think about miya osamu. a small smile grows on my face not even i could notice happened.

i start feeling a sensation of someone staring at me. i look up and around slightly to see komori and sakusa side by side, looking at me with wide eyes.

i give them a confused look as komori started to smile and that's when i realized, i had been smiling. oh god i can't be catching feeling for a guy i don't even know.

i just called him cute and he called me average, that doesn't mean i have feelings for him.

i look down at my textbook as sensei writes out the questions we needed to do on the board.

flipping the page of my notebook i write out the questions down that i needed to do.

i sigh before putting in my airpod in one of my ears. making my hair cover it up so i don't get in trouble.

i start playing my music and getting ready to work.


11:30 lunch break

"so i was thinking of us going out later"

"i'm always down and you know that"

"wait hold on is that a fight?"

"bitch move "

we were walking in the hall as its started to get my crowded. i started recording them. it was some random kids fighting over a girl, the girl they were fighting over was screaming "stop it stop stop"

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