The Fat Man

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HEY GUYS!!! ok so i'm kind of new to this website, and this is my first story so please no hating! There might be some grammer problems, but Hope you enjoy! And i'm not trying to offend any one im just writing a story that i made up awhile back, Also this man has a very small temper and has recently been in rehab or something lol. (btw his name is mack and he's 31)

                                                           Mack's POV

    I walked out  of   the donut store holding a box of 12 boston cream donuts in one hand,while holding a jelly filled donut in my other hand. As i walked out everyone stared at me. What? why are they all staring at me? Just because im over chubby andstill eating a donut? Just because my legs are jiggly and wiggly and my arms are squishy? Whatever thats a good   thing because if any one tried to robb me i'd just jump on them. Hm well i could do that right now if they all keep staring at me like that. "What are you looking at? Huh?!?" i shout making sure everyone can hear me. Every one suddenly just starts going on with their every day lives again.Heh i smirk to myself.

                                                    Pedestrian walking's POV

  I'm just walking down to buy some new clothes and all of a sudden, I hear someone squeezing through the door of the donut shop. "wow" i mumbled to myself "some people need to watch their weight" because i could aviously hear they are struggling out. That was until i looked over at the door and saw a huge man. i look around me and every one else seems to be staring at him too "Oh.My.Gosh." i hear a group of girls whisper "he's So fat" a blonde girl says. Every one continues to stare at him in disgust and in awe of how big he is, and he's eating a donut?!? i guess he doesnt really care about his health. "What are you looking at?Huh?!?" he shouts. It sounded as if it could reach the other side of town. And at that point every one got so scared, and returned to what they were doing. I continued walking down the sidewalk.

                                                    Mack's POV

I continued on walking down the sidewalk, though i was partly on the road because the stupid people that made the side walk would think it was only permitted to skinny people. Damn these small sidewalks. I went to the icecream store. As i walked in I felt the chilly air crawl up my back and i took my first step inside. Its so cold. I scanned the room and my eyes were drawn to the icecream freezer. Yum i thought. I went over to the icecream and checked for my favourite flavour lime sorbet.(Is actually my FAV icecream flavour! XD) I could not find it, so i decided to ask the perso who worked there."Were all out of that flavour sir,sorry" she replied. I felt my head get hot even thought we were in that freezing room. I clenched my fists and walked out of there."no lime sorbet!?!" i angrily whispered to myself. I turned around and went back into the icecream shop. I orderd all the flavours and they placed them into a large plastic cup. I paid, I left. I was heading home until i saw an all you can eat resturant. mmm i thought. I ran in and ate all the food  i  could fit into my big stomach but i was not full to the top. But i had to leave because i ate almost all of the food so they charged me and i left.Now i was definetly tired of walking around instead of using my little moter scooter to take me everywhere. until i saw the candy shop."one more stop" i say.    

 I walk into the shop and get two bags full of candy for me. as im walking home i reached into my candy bag.and suddenly i trip over a slant in the pavement, and land right in my face. Everyone stared at him and started to laugh their heads off. I got so mad that stood up and ran into a crowd of people i knocked down 3 adults and 2 children. i felt proud of myslef. Everyone was scared and ran away. I hurried home so that i would get in no trouble.My stomach started to ache a litte. Im just hungry i thought so i took a bite of my candy and my stomach rumbled... and suddenely

 BOOM! He blew up!!! now he is dead! THE END!!!

Thanks for reading!! i sure hope i didnt offend anyone! :) and please no hate comments!

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