Make it or Break it; Nothing to lose

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Andrea lay on the hard floor of the backseat of a tired pickup in her schools garage. She had a big day tomorrow and she would need all the extra sleep she could get. After her foster parents kicked her out, she had decided there were nothing left for her in Boston, and it was time to take maters into her own hands. Next to her lay a one way ticket to Bolder.

 Andrea looked at the sign outside “The Rock” gymnastic club, where Kaylie Cruz name stood. Her shoulder was a little sore from the ruff night she’d just had, but she couldn’t give up now. It was time to show everyone what she could do.

“Excuse me, do you know where I could find Sasha Bella?” She asked one of the parents passing by her.

“I believe he is in his office.” The red headed woman said. “Who are you?”

“No one important.” Andrea said, and hurried off before she could ask her any more questions.

Andrea knocked three times before she pushed open the door. In front of her sat a blonde middle-aged man with his nose buried in paperwork’s.

He looked up, and it occurred her that he waited for her to speak.

“Are-are you Mr. Belov?” She said.

“Yes, what is this about?” He said, and it occurred to her that he was british.

“I was- My name is Andrea – Andrea White,” She quickly lied. “I would like to become a member of this club.”

“How old are you?” Sasha said.

“Seventeen.” She said, swallowing.

“And where are you parents?”

“At work.” She lied again, and felt like this was more and more becoming a hearing.

“I am sorry, but we do not make exceptions for gymnasts who aren’t completely serious.”

But I am! I am serious!” She said, almost desperately.

“I am sorry, but that is my final word. Besides, try outs is out.”

“Please? I just want to show you what I can do! Please?” She said.

Sasha folded his arms in front of his chest and exhaled. “You have my final warnig; come back next year.”

She hadn’t gone this far to be stopped; she was going to make it. “No, you can’t make me.” And with that she ran for the door and sprinted out on the floor. Luckily it was at the end of the day, and only half of the athletes were there. Andrea’s speed increased, before she did a perfect double arabien on the spring floor. The second she landed; Andrea turned around and did a double twist.

The entire hall were looking at her, where she stood in jeans and sneakers.

“Please? I promise you, I am serious and I work hard! I beg you, please?” Sasha stood a couple of meters away, his arms still crossed and a scowl set on his face.

“Fine, I’ll show you more.” And with that she sprinted towards the beam. When she had done a triple twist and successfully landed, she turned towards Sasha.

“Get to work!” He yelled at the others who had stopped training, and she session of silence immediately stopped. Andrea could feel her heart begin banging, and she bit hard into her lip. “Outside. Now.” He ordered, and she didn’t hesitate to obey.

The minute they were alone Sasha said in a raised voice: “You do realise that with the stunt you pulled you could easily be arrested for trespassing.”

“Yes.” She said, and Andreas realised that it might not had been such a good idea after all.

“And it would be a disgrace to this gym to do otherwise.” He continued. Andrea swallowed, and could almost hear the sirens.

“You begin tomorrow.” Andrea’s head snapped up.


“You have one chance to prove yourself, but I want to discuss it with your parents. And if you pull a stunt like this again, I will not only kick you out, but also make sire that you are not allowed to get within fifty meters of any other gym. Are we clear?” Andrea nodded. “And tomorrow; come here in proper training clothes.”

Yes- I mean, thank you.”

“I expect you here at 05.00 am. Do not be late.” With that he turned around and left.

Andrea didn’t know what to say or what to do. She had made it! She did it! 

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