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Rachel's P.O.V
'Yes! this is it!' I thought to myself as I dragged my suitcase down the stairs. This was finally the day i get to move out of boring old London and actually get to explore more of the world. I was meant to move to Australia a year ago when I was eighteen but I guess we just couldn't afford it, but now I've earned some money of my own and today has finally arrived. The day me and my best friend Poppy are moving to Sydney.

My mum, dad and brother, Jordan, were waiting at the old wooden front door. My mum was sobbing into a tissue, my dad had one arm round my mums shoulder to comfort her and as for my brother he was just standing there with his eyes glued to his phone and his fingers tapping away on it.

"Darling, I'm gonna miss you so much" my mum cried as she pulled me into a warm hug. " I'm going to miss you too" I mumbled in to her shoulder.

"Ugh sis I didn't expect you to be moving out before me" Jordan spoke, putting his phone into his pocket. Even though he is two years older than me, we still look extremely alike. We had the same thick brown hair, bright green eyes, and deep dimples in both cheeks.

"Me neither, but it was gonna happen sooner or later" I laughed. The whole time leading up to moving I have been telling myself not to cry but still, here I am getting all teary eyed.

"Well, this is it. I can't believe my little girl is moving to the other side of the world"! My dad said starting to cry. This just made me want to cry even more.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much" I sobbed as I unwrapped my arms from round my mum and pulled my brother into a hug. Although we do argue a lot and call each other names, we still love each other so much. Jordan picked me up and swung me around. We always used to do this as kids and this just reminded me more of my childhood. He placed me down carefully and I began to cry.

I glanced at one of the pictures that was hanging on the plain white wallpaper. It was a picture of all four of us at the park when Jordan and I were little. I can already tell that my make up is completely ruined so I just continued to let the tears stream down my face.

Lastly, i wrapped my arms around my dad and he did the same. Me and my dad have always been very close to each other, mainly because we have similar personalities and also the same sense of humour. Probably because we were the only people that laughed at each others terrible jokes.

"Right, we better wait outside for the taxi" my mum sniffed and opened the door. We all shuffled outside to the taxi. Jordan pulled the door open and I stuffed my suitcase in. Most of my things have already been sent to our new house, but I still have the stuff that I need on me at the moment. I gave each of them one last hug and climbed into the taxi. I felt the driver start up the engine and he began to reverse the car out of the small parking space. I quickly mouthed 'I love you' and the car drove away, up the road.

The whole car journey, I thought about all my childhood memories from school. Like the time in Spanish class when I got sent out for singing French songs and the time in a music lesson when our teacher shut our friend in the door, which probably doesn't seem like much but it was hysterically funny. Also when me and Poppy met each other in science because we had to sit together. Let's just say our teacher hated us and we got detentions every lessons.

Finally, the driver pulled up outside the airport. There were a lot of people pacing around outside and from what I could see a lot of people inside as well. I jumped out of the taxi and yanked my suitcase and my bag out after me. I thanked and payed the driver and made my way into the busy airport to try and find my curly haired best friend.

I searched around in the hope of finding her, but there were too many people scattering around so I just decided that it would be best if I rung her. I dialled her number and it began to ring.

"Heyyyy" Poppy spoke excitedly.

"Hey, where are you"? I said trying to block out all of the background noise.

"I'm about five minutes away from the airport, but I can tell by all the noise that you're already there" she chuckled to herself.

I smiled and laughed too "yeah haha, should I meet you somewhere"? I asked trying to see if there was anywhere that I could suggest.

" Umm, yeah. Is there a Starbucks there"? She questioned hopefully. My eyes scanned around until they fell upon the emerald green shop.

"Yeah, I'll meet you in there" I said grabbing my suitcase and scurrying over to Starbucks.

"Okay bye" Poppy spoke before ending the call. I pulled the heavy door and dragged my suitcase behind me as a walked inside. I stood at the counter looking up at all the drinks. I just decided, as it was so cold, to get a hot chocolate. I told my order to the nice young woman behind the counter and she quickly prepared the warm drink and handed it to me. I made my way to a empty table, by the window, and sat down.

To pass the time I went on my phone and checked snapchat and Instagram before I heard the bell on the door go off. My eyes shot up from my phone and on to my best friend who just walked through the door. Instantly a huge smile spread across my face and I jumped up and rushed over to Poppy and pulled her into massive hug.

"Poppy, you're finally here"! I say pulling away from the hug.

"Yep and I can't wait to get to Australia" Poppy smiled. "Me neither" I told her honestly. "I'm going to order a drink. I'll be back in a second" I walked back over to my seat and Poppy went to order her drink.


After our Starbucks we proceeded to make our way to the back of the line where they would check our bags. We then made our way through security safely and walked to the main gate. There, we were asked to show our passports and plane tickets and then started heading towards the plane.

"I can't believe that we are actually leaving" Poppy yelled jumping up and down on the spot.

"Me neither" I smiled walking up the metal stairs of the plane. "This is going to be so fun"!

We stumbled up the stairs and went to find our seats. Our seats we located at the back of the plane, I sat bye the window and Poppy sat next to me. There weren't many people on the plane and thankfully there were no people sitting next to us. We shoved our bags in the compartment above us, put on our seat belts and soon we were off. I plugged my earphones in and watched as the plane left the ground.

Goodbye rainy England, hello sunny Australia.

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