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Poppy's P.O.V

'I'm finally moving to Australia!' I thought as I made sure that I hadn't left anything in my room.
I can't wait to live with my best friend Rachel, even though she's a year older than me were still really close friends.

When I had double checked everything I made my way down the stairs for the last time, looking at the family photos on the way down 'I'm going to miss my family' I thought as I look at one particular picture of me, my mum and dad on the beach on holiday, something brought me out of my thoughts, I looked at the bottom of the stairs to see my mum crying on my dads shoulder. It broke my heart to see this but I thought of the positives of moving to Australia and carried on walking down the stairs. I hug my mum and said "I will text you when I'm at the airport and come and visit anytime, like anytime" my mum and dad laugh and say "of course we will". Then and go hug my dad "I guess your not my baby girl anymore" he said "I will always be your baby girl no matter where I am" I say getting emotional. I look up to my dad a realise how much we look alike, we have the same brown eyes and the same mousey brown hair (the parts that aren't grey) I mentally take a photo this will be the last time I see him properly for a long time. We were enjoying a nice hug just as we heard a car horn out side, the taxi was here, we say our last good byes and I walk out the door to the taxi. Once in the taxi I wave good bye as he starts to drive away. The whole drive there I just stared out the widow and kept wiping the tears that keep falling away, 'this is a great opportunity just wait till your in Australia with Rachel having so much fun' I thought to myself trying to bring my spirits up.

When I was near the airport I got a call from Rachel asking where I was, I told her I was about 5 minutes away, I could tell she was already at the airport by the noise. After hearing her voice I got really excited, i just kept thinking about the exciting things we will get to do, plus I'm hoping to get an Aussie boyfriend.

I reached the airport and paid the driver and thanked him, I took one last look at the grey dull sky and walk in. Then I remembered I meeting Rachel in Starbucks, I got even more excited I didn't know that was possible. I stood at the door for a while looking for the shop and finally found it and started to walk over to it, luckily my suitcase wasn't that heavy so it didn't take long.

I walked in the shop and saw Rachel drinking a hot chocolate whilst on her phone. She look up and saw me at the door and jumped and we hugged like we hadn't seen each other in years it was so nice it was an excited hug and a hug saying I'm going to miss my family but we have each other. After I went and order my drink we went to get our bags checked and went through all that boring stuff. When we finally got to the plane we was bursting with excitement. I had completely forgot about missing my family and was so excited about going to Australia. Once on the plane me and Rachel put head phones in and listened to music.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2015 ⏰

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