Flirt Fight

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"You guys. I think this is gonna work" Bethany said as she walked over to the group of boys

"I think so too. They both are pretty fly and those guy don't meet a lot of new people" Alex replied as 

"Fly?" Spencer asked confused 

"Well not Cindy Crawford fly but for Jumanji, Martha's character is pretty bomb. Lilith's is.. well hotter then Cindy Crawford." Alex said not really realizing what he said

"The bomb?" Bethany said also confused

"Cindy Crawford?" Spencer asked

"That's your go-to" Fridge replied

"Alex?" Spencer said and Alex looked at him "What year do you think it is?"

"What do you mean?" Alex asked looking around

"Oh no" Fridge said

"It's 1996" Alex said and they all exchanged glances.

"Your Alex Vreeke, aren't you?" Spencer said

"Yeah. That's right." Alex said confused

"Wait you mean the Freak House?" Fridge asked stunned as he looked at Spencer

"Wait  what are you talking about? How go you know me?" Alex said

"Alex, I don't know exactly how to tell you-"

"You've been in this game for twenty years?!" Fridge said shocked

"That's probably not how I would have done it" Said Spencer

"What? No, you guys are messing with me right?" Alex asked not wanting to believe what he had just been told.

"No. We're not. Alex Vreeke. Everybody is town knows about you. You're the boy who went missing 20 years ago" Bethany said sadly

"20 years"?" Alex asked shocked. He couldn't believe what he was just told and felt like he needed comfort or time to take it all in.

He ignored what Spencer and Fridge were talking about imagineing what his parents must have went through. He felt like for a moment he wanted to stop everything and hug someone.

"There they are!" Bethany said pointing the the girls

Lilith stood next Martha as they both looked down at the guards they were going to distract

"You rrready Martha?" Lilith asked

"Yeah, I just hope we don't die" Martha said before she began to walk very weirdly and I followed after very very awkwardly.

"What the hell is going on with Martha's butt? And why does Lilith look like she's trying not roll down the hill?" Fridge said looking through the magazine.

"Bethany what did you tell them her do?" Spencer asked

"Maybe they both twisted their ankles?" Fridge said

"They both haven't flirted before, give them a break" Bethany said

Martha tried flipping her hair and Lilith watched slightly trying not to fall down the hill.

"What is she doing? She got a bug in her hair? And geez Lilith looks like she broke her foot too?" Fridge commented

"They forgot their training" Bethany said pursing her lips

"Let's go" Spencer said as they walked away


"Hello little ladies, what are you doing here our alone?" The guard asked as Martha flips her hair and Lilith twist her hair in between her fingers, bitting her lip.

"Hey guys. We seem to be lost. Can you help us?" Martha said and a low voice doing another hair flip. Lilith glanced at Math before releasing her lip

"Hello little ladies, what are you doing here all alone?" The guard asked again and Lilith eyes widen before she leaned over to Martha

"Dance fighting" Lilith whispered before walking over to a radio and nudged it slightly before music came on.

Math looked confused for a moment before smirking "You guys like to dance?" Martha walked to one guy while Lilith went to the other one

Lilith set her arms on his shoulders sliding down his arms while the music played in the background. Lilith swayed her hips back and forth praying Alex and the others would hurry up.

Lilith was behind the one guard touching his shoulders when, unknowingly to her and Martha, Fridge knocked over motorcycles and caused a loud crash.

Lilith quickly looked over at Marth and panicked "Martha Now!". Martha seemed to get the hint. Lilith, standing behind one guard, kicked him on the knee forcing him to the ground. The guard quickly moved his legs knocking  Lilith to the ground and he began choking her with a tight grip.

Trying to pull his hands off, Lilith saw her life line fading away. Praying for her life she kneed the man making him lose his grip and she kicked him off of her. The guard on the ground slowly tried to reach for his gun, but Lilith was quick and picked up the gun and smacked him in the head.

Getting done at the same time lilith walked over to the shed with Martha and high fived. The hut behind the falling apart them from martha's messier fight.


I walked into the shed and gave Bethany a quick hug as she praised us.

"Those moves were everything. Especially the kicked did you see the way he fell! It was amazing" Bethany said to us but more to Martha.

I smiled at her before running over to Alex and gave him a quick hug but saw he looked quite stressed. "Alex, is everything okay?"

Fridge told us about the Motorcycle guys and we all panicked and Alex didn't want to fly so we tried to encourage him to fly but he didn't want too.

I began to realize how stressed he was so I quickly grabbed his hand after Martha talk to him. He stopped for a moment and looked in my eyes

"Alex, zis is parrrt wherrre ve need you. Wherrre I need you. You'rrre missing piece rrremember. You still ove me favorrr, zis is parrrt wherrre you kan pay it." I said with a soft smile

He smiles at me "Seaplane McDonough, reporting for duty." He says before putting on some glasses "Let's go people"

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