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I got really upset. NO new pony talks to me like that. ~SNAP OUT OF IT TWILIGHT YOUR NOT LIKE THIS.~
" I should probably go apologize huh spike?"
"Yes YOU should!"
As I walk out the library spike just glares at me.I don't even know what came over me its just I have never been talked to like that. If I were princess Luna she would be kicked out of Ponyville. I see her just standing by the path to the city     clicking her hooves."click clock click clock"
I walk over to her slowly with those bodyguards still standing in front of her."may I speak to her sir, and other sir?"
They look at her, I hear little muffles of sound coming from all three, then they finally turn around, nod there head's and step aside.
She starts speaking but also stutters "um-um ye-ea?
"Im sorry, we started off on the wrong hoove, I am Princess Twilight, but you can call me Twilight. I was rude and im sorry would you like help to get to the suite
"Why thanks Twilight,  I appreciate it."

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