Kisses On The Necks Of Best Friends

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Crossposted from my AO3 account:

Gerard couldn't sleep.


So when Ray was woken up to his boyfriend crawling into his bunk with him, he wasn't that surprised.

"Hey baby," Ray said quietly as Gerard got under the covers. Ray smiled and wrapped an arm around Gerard, petting his hair softly. "Did you have a nightmare?"

"I missed you," Gerard whispered, seeming almost embarrassed. Ray just pulled him closer, finding it adorable.

Gerard nuzzled his face into Ray's side, putting his arms around Ray's torso.

"C'mere, baby," Ray said, turning so he wasn't on his back and he was facing Gerard. He planted a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead, still running his hands through Gerard's hair. "I love you."

"Mm, love you too," Gerard told him sleepily. He pressed his face into Ray's chest, breathing in. He wanted this to last forever. Both of them did.

Ray grabbed Gerard's face with his free hand, and softly pressed his lips against Gerard's. He wasn't expecting Gerard to kiss back.

But kiss back he did.

He immediately moved his hands to the back of Ray's neck, kissing back with such force that he almost made Ray roll back onto his back. When he pulled back, Ray smiled at him. And even though the bunk was dark, Gerard could see it.

"Mm, time for bed," Ray said. "No more kisses, we should sleep." Gerard nodded, and pushed his face back into Ray's chest.

Ray sighed dreamily, knowing that his life was perfect at the moment.

And he wouldn't change it for the world.

Kisses On The Necks Of Best Friends (Rayrard oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now