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Oh no. I totally zoned out.

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry. What did you say?"

He smiled a little and asked if I lived here. I shrugged casually and told him my sister and I lived here in the summers with my mom and returned to London with my dad in the winter.

We walked into his room, it looked a lot like mine with the same colored walls and everything. But he had several things I didn't, a TV mounted on the wall, a PS5, a keyboard, several skateboards, but most impressive was his bookshelf filled with dozens and dozens of books and records.

For a moment, I forgot what I was doing and unceremoniously dropped his luggage as I ran over to inspect his bookcase with his music collection. Music taste says a lot about a person. My fingers flew over each as I excitedly noticed we liked a few of the same artists. Suddenly, I felt his hands on each of my shoulders. He was laughing softly, and my cheeks burned with color as I was brought back to the present reality. Not only was I embarrassed for my actions but he was touching me he was touching me hewastouchingmeonmygodiamgoingtoLOSEMYMINDAAAAH. He moved me aside a little and reached for a record while keeping his other hand on one of my shoulders. He picked out an album by The Strokes, one of my favorite bands, and handed it to me.

"This is one of my favorites." He said shyly from behind me.

"Really? I love The Strokes too!" I replied happily, turning slightly to look at him. He smiled brightly.

"Would you want to stay a bit longer and help me unpack? Then we can listen to it together."

"Of course, I'm happy to help."

He pulled his record player out, plugged it in, and put the record on after I handed him. I hadn't even unpacked my own belongings but I didn't care. I just met a hot boy who is moving in for the summer and likes the same music I do. Could this get any better?

I would open bags and boxes and Louis would tell me where to put their contents, which all showed his incredible fashion sense. Sometimes a really good song would come on and we would both start singing and dancing and just being totally happy. We talked a lot about music and fashion. After about an hour and a half, we finished.

He looked around his room pleased, and said,

"Thanks so much for all your help, y/n. you're so nice." He said, his deep brown eyes into mine with genuine gratitude. Before he could see me blushing, I responded,

"No problem. And I know" I said jokingly as I flung myself onto his bed and began watching tiktoks.

"Ugh you're wrinkling my bedspread!" he said, grinning. He sat down next me and we watched tiktoks together, giggling and mimicking our favorite ones as we talked about the most random things like what our favorite youtubers were when we were twelve. After a while, he asked to put his number in my phone so I let him. As he was doing so, he asked,

"So what is there to do around here?"

Me, I thought and almost laughed out loud.

"Not much, honestly. Unless you're into being outdoors in nature and all. I mean we can always hang out together, I'm usually free. It will be nice having someone here my own age to hang out with." I waited for his reaction, which was positive, indicating he would like to hangout again sometime. Relieved, I continued. "There's trails in the woods behind us and a stream. The stars out here are beautiful without all the city lights and smog, we should look at them one night..." I continued rambling about it all and comparing it to London for while until I realized I was just nervous and it was time for me to shut up.

"Mmm, that sounds nice..." he replied sleepily. I looked at him and realized he was falling asleep as he lay with his head back against the headboard and his eyes closed. I smiled, overcome with how cute he looked. And how kind and cool and just amazing he was. I scrolled through Instagram, waiting for him to inevitably fall asleep and savoring every moment with him.

I was simply minding my own business when I felt Louis hit my shoulder.

"Lou-!" I began to yell, when I realized he had fallen asleep and his head had slipped onto my shoulder. At first, I sat extra still and just continued to scroll through my feed, hyper-aware of him touching me. As the minutes went by though, I relaxed a bit more with the sound of his steady breathing. 

I then heard another car driving down the road, doubtlessly coming here. Not knowing if i would ever have another chance like this, I pressed my lips to the top of his head and kissed him softly, breathing in his scent. Then as quickly as possible I returned to my former position and waited, heart pounding so violently I couldn't believe it didn't wake Louis up. The doorbell rang and he jolted awake. We looked at each other and then looked away, we were both smiling a little and blushing. And pretending nothing had happened. We heard someone open the door and several people stepped inside. Louis stretched and ruffled his hair.

"That would be my mum and sister. Let's go meet them."

I nodded in agreement and we went downstairs together. 

sorry this ones a bit longer, lmk what you think so far! :D

Me and Lou (Louis Partridge x Y/N - fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now