Chapter 4: An Unexpected Change

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Lily Evans

As I got up and left the Great Hall to go to the library Potter caught up to me, so I tried to speed up but annoyingly Potter is quite a bit taller than me and therefore has the ability to easily keep pace with me.

"I know it was you."

"What?" I asked, genuinly confused.

"With the fireworks." Crap.

"I don't know what your talking about." But the smug look on his face told me he wasn't buying it.

"Sure you don't." I tried ignoring him but he continued to walk with me.

"Was there something else you wanted."

"No not really."

"Well then do you mind going away?"

"Not at all." He said, which rather surprised me actually. However as he was walking away he turned around and said.

"Oh and Evans, your secret's safe with me." And as I watched his retreating figure, for some strange reason, I believed him.

James Potter

When I got back to the Great Hall the guys had left so I headed back to the common room thinking about Lily or more specifically the fact that she had pulled a prank because if she started pulling pranks that could mean that I wouldn't have to completely quit pulling pranks. I would have to talk to Remus about that later. Just then as I rounded a corner I ran into Snivellus.

"Watch where you're going Potter!" He sneered as he picked up the book he had dropped.

"It's you who should watch, you probably can't see a thing with a nose like yours sticking out of your face, Snivellus." He was about to respond when his eyes widened and he stalked off. I turned to see the guys rounding the corner, figures. Snivellus is way too much of a coward to stick around if it's all four of us.

"That Snivellus?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah, scarpered the second you three showed up."

"Shame, I wanted to practice a few new hexes." I nodded in agreement.

"You know, that's not going to do you any favours when it comes to Lily." Remus pointed out

"But she doesn't even like him any more."

"No, she's not friends with him anymore and she hates what he did to her but that doesn't mean she likes seeing you guys hexing him."

"So I'm supposed to give that up as well as pranks?"

"It would help."


"Woah, woah, woah," interjected Sirius, "This is becoming a complete personality change, next you'll be giving up quidditch!"

"Don't you think that's a little dramatic?" Remus sighed.

"No, it isn't. Prongs is doing all this for Evans but she isn't doing anything for him, all she ever does is yell at him!"

"Because she doesn't like him."

"Exactly so why does Prongs need to change for a girl who doesn't even like him."

"Because he is changing so that she will like him."

"Yes, but -"

"Oh for Merlin's sake, guys!" I cut in. They both turned to look at me.

"Sirius, I am doing this because Lily is the one and this is my last chance to get her to like me, besides it couldn't hurt to grow up a bit. Now if you two are done arguing we are going to be late for class!"

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