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Here we go again another day one.

I woke as if it was any other normal day. I looked down to the right side of my shared bed and saw that the sheets were all messed up.

"I guess she got up before me," I lazily said to myself. I got up and did the rest of my morning routine.

I peeked my head out the curtain that divided the rest of the house from the bedroom. I didn't see her, so I took the opportunity to make my escape. I rushed toward the door.

Only to no one's surprise, it didn't happen the way I planned.

"Where do you think you're going."

"The circus, where do you think."

"Sit, eat." I knew there was no use arguing. I tossed my bag off my shoulder and onto the floor.

She placed a plate of microwavable waffles in front of me onto the coffee table.

I took a large bite trying to eat as fast as I could. I saw the look in her eye, I knew there was something she wanted to say.

"Okay, spill," I said setting down my plate giving her my full attention.

"Are you sure your ok?" She said sitting down next to me on the couch.

"27," that was all I said as I took another bite of my waffles.

"Excuse me," she asked.

"27, that's how many times you have asked me that question in the last two weeks. And every time I give you the same answer. Want to take a wild guess what the answer will be this time."

"Pineapple," I looked up at her. We both genuinely smiled.

That was one thing I loved about Lara, she always knew what I needed. She never pushed more than she needs to.

"I'll be ok Lar, you the one I am worried about,'' I said scarfing down the last of my food.

"Me? N/n (nickname) you don't have to worry about me. I am 23 years old, I can handle my issues."

"Yeah, I know you can," I said standing and tossing my bag back over my shoulder. "But you don't always need to do things on your own," I said looking at her in the eyes.

There was a pause. The type of pause that you could feel the pain of

the past crawl in, from the past and into the present. Lar felt it too, I know because she broke the silence.

"That's rich coming from you," she said lightly punching my arm.

"Yeah, yeah," I walked to the door and turned the knob open wanting to get out as fast as I could.

"Hey y/n. Do me a favor."


" Take to someone," here she goes again. I groaned and stepped my foot out the door. But she grabbed the back of my hood.

'' Y/n you know you have to talk to someone eventually." She said letting go of my hood.

Without turning around to look at her I answered, "the nice thing about eventually is that it doesn't apply to me now.''

Before she could answer I walked out the door and listen to the squeak of the trailer door close. Besides, I had yet another day of hell to get to...

I hope you enjoyed the short intro chapter to my Shawn Hunter x reader. I wanted to write one because the Boy Meets World fandom is so small. A couple of disclaimers, firstly I do not own Boy Meets World or the characters. I do own the y/n character and the plot for the story. Also, I want to keep the y/n character as inclusive as possible, so I am, going to be using they/them pronouns to refer to y/n. If you are at all uncomfortable with those pronouns I highly recommend that you don't read on. Also, please feel free to insert your pronouns or anything thing that you want your y/n to be. I want you to feel like this is your story with Shawn so be you. I hope you enjoy where I plan to take this story.

Love Author-chan :)

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