5. You Complete Me❗😄

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One week pass, and everything seems to be normal in Zhao mansion. Everyone is busy in their work......on breakfast time everyone eat their breakfast quietly, and Mr. Zhao and Yunlan only were talking. Meantime, Mrs. Zhao glares at her husband which make him quit suddenly......because his wife don't like when they talking about office work on dinner table.

Then Mrs. Zhao turn toward new couple and said "It's been five an half month of your wedding.....and we are waiting for some.....Good News...."

Mrs. Zhao didn't complete her word..... "I forget the cake...excuse me!" and Shen Wei excuse himself from there and go to the kitchen for bringing cake which he make for evening time.......but his face turn red, so he have no option left. Both Mr. and Mrs. Zhao smile to each other and looked at Shen Wei.....then they looked at Yunlan who only smile to them and again eating his breakfast.

Afterward Shen Wei return with cake, he place it on the center of the table and sit front of Yunlan. They all are enjoying the delicious cake......but only Shen Wei is stirring his spoon in the plate......because Yunlan rub Shen Wei milky leg with his toe in seducing manner which make Wei feel uncomfortable.

Mr. Zhao tells them.....tomorrow some of his business friends come home for dinner. But Yunlan interrupt him and say "tomorrow...your friends....oh! C'mon old man......are you kidding me? They already got there meal on our wedding bouquet and them still want free meal again" Mr. Zhao angrily glares to Yunlan..... "Shut up you shameless brat" but his wife stop him and cough for changing the environment.....but she laugh a little and softly hit Yunlan's head.


Shen Wei is went to his father shop for helping him.....he sudden feel nauseous and run to the bathroom. Mr. Ming run behind Shen Wei and found he was vomiting......Wei father come to him and worriedly said "Wei! My baby...are you okay?" Shen Wei wipes his mouth and about to say......but he trembles and faint. Mr. Ming calls doctor for Wei......later doctor come and check Shen Wei.

Mr. Ming is continually looking at doctor with concern. After checking Shen Wei, doctor turn to Mr. Ming "Congratulation Sir! you are going to be grandfather....he's pregnant" Mr. Ming jump in the happiness......then he said thanks to doctor and doctor tell him about his medicine then take his leave.

Mr. Ming come to Shen Wei and found him sitting on the bed "Wei you gave me the happiness that I have been waiting for since today" Mr. Ming said in happiness.

Shen Wei smile and place his soft palm on his belly which is still flat (I love to write this....hehe!😅) "Did you tell about this to Yunlan? And his family knows about this?" Mr. Ming said. "Father.... I know about this a week ago.....and I want to tell Yunlan about this but....I didn't get the chance. But my in laws know about it and they were so happy" Shen Wei Said shyly.

"But son he is your husband and you have to tell him first, don't take much time to tell him...okay!" Mr. Ming said and Shen Wei nod his head and hug his father......then he smile cutely.


Later Shen Wei is cleaning the dishes in the kitchen

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Later Shen Wei is cleaning the dishes in the kitchen. Yunlan came and cage him from behind.....he place his chin on other shoulder and kiss Wei nape......then said "Xiao Wei...don't you think mom and dad were right....they need a GOOD NEWS"

Shen Wei turn red and push Yunlan then he rush toward their room. Yunlan chuckle and he about to run behind him......but sudden his phone rings.

Which make Yunlan angry.......he angrily clinches his fist and receive the call..... "Lao Zhao minister is mad on you....because you didn't go to xxxxxx city for exorcism....uh? Lao Zhao....Lao Zhao....are you there...you are listening me or not" Da Qing asked "you fat cat...just you wait there.....I come and do exorcism on you and your freaking minister" Yunlan said in his frustration........which gave Da Qing shiver to his spine he immediately hang up the call.

Yunlan entered in his room and found Shen Wei stand at the window. Yunlan wrap his arm around Wei waist from behind......Shen Wei smile and lean his head back on Yunlan's chest

"Want to say something....babe?"

"How you know that...?"

"When you want to tell me something......you always stand here, and that day you want me to tell something"

"You still remember that..."

"I never forget anything....now tell me what you wanna say"

Shen Wei turn to face Yunlan without breaking the embrace......he kiss Yunlan passionately and said in their kiss "Umm.....you're going to be father soon...." Then Wei break the kiss and hide his red face in Yunlan's chest.

"What!!! Is that true....Xiao Wei" Yunlan asked and other only smile shyly while hiding his face. "Oh! Xiao Wei......you complete me today....thank you so much" and a tear drop from Yunlan's eye..... Shen Wei feel drop on his hand, he look up and also get emotional

"Don't cry my baby! It's not good for you and not for our GRANDCHILD" Mrs. Zhao come inside the room with smile and Mr. Xinci.....Wei break Yunlan's embrace and hugged his mother in law. Mr. Xinci hug Yunlan and congratulate him "So you both know about it!!" Yunlan said and his mother nod with smile.

"Thank you...guys, for loving my Xiao Wei this much" Yunlan said with happiness in his eyes. "No! Thank you my son! For bringing this angel in our life and make it beautiful and blessed" Mr. Xinci said and dearly hug Shen Wei.



I hope you like and celebrate this GOOD NEWS....🎉🎊

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Thank You so much.....❤❤


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