The Past

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"goodbye Luke" Tom said giving him a handshake

"Now you take care of my sister"

"You don't need to worry, I'll take good care of her" Tom said surly

"Have a nice trip and don't forget so say hello to our parents from me" I said giving Luke a goodbye hug.

"Take care" Tom waived before Luke walked out of my apartment.

"So, what do you want to do?" Tom asked

I grabbed his wrist, leading the way over to the couch

"Tom...I think you need to know why I don't fully trust you, why I barely let you hug me, why I don't like strangers touching me"

He took my hands in his "only if you feel comfortable talking about it"

"I can't keep this from you anymore so I have to"

"I...I have lied to you about the little things I've said about my past" I said looking at our hands

"At age of 7, my mum left me out on the street"

Tom didn't say anything. He just sat there, listening.

"My real mum... not the one back in New York" I felt tears beginning to press on my eyes

"I thought she would come back... but you can take terrible wrong of people. I sat there in the mud, waiting for 2 days. No food, no water. Until one day, a boy came" I felt tears making their way down my chin

"That boy's name was Connor" I felt Tom's hands tighten more around mine. I looked into his eyes; they were about as glassy as mine...

He took his hand on my chin, wiping away a tear with his thumb. Before placing it back on my hand.

"He took care of me... for 6 years we lived together on the streets. H-he left his life to stay, with me" I broke, every little piece that was starting to build up again, crushed in thousand pieces again.

Tom wrapped his long arms around me, held me tight. While whispering into my ear "its okay darling" it was okay, i didn't mind this hug. infact... i think i needed it.

I left out a little crying laugh, pulling away a little "I don't deserve to be your friend"

"If I can make it better, you are the person who deserves it most" he smiled with glassy eyes

"When I was 13, he was 14. Children cherish found us. They took us in, and I were there about 1 year until someone picked me up. The family I live with now, I love them more than I could ever do with my real family" I took a short break before I said

"Though Conner, I didn't see him until two week before I was moving to London. For 15 years I didn't know where he was or if he was okay" I stopped before I said "the last day before I was leaving... I kissed him, I don't know why, it just happened..."

"It's okay darling, sometimes... when it gets too much. Our mind and body can react in different ways. Things we don't plan on to happen, happens" he comforted

"Thank you Tom. Thank you for listening to me. I'm so lucky to be your friend" I smiled

"No, I'm lucky to be your friend" Tom said looking into my eyes

He always came up with these sweet things to say. I adored him for that.

"Now" he said smiling before he continued

"It's the 15th annual what's on stage awards...Thing, this Sunday. And I was wondering if you would like to come, with me?"

I smiled "I would like to"

We talked on. He made me forget what we started to talk about. And to be honest, that felt good.



I woke up with a sudden, fabric was tickling my nose... wait, what? Fabric? I questioned myself. My arms were wrapped around... I looked up. Tom.

I tried to loosen my arm from his waist to slide away, but he moved as I tried to. A morning groan came out of him before his eye's slowly opened.

We stared at each other a bit surprised at first before Tom tilted his head back, rubbing his eyes with his hands. He looked back at me and said "I'm sorry darling I must have dozed off"

"It's okay, I obviously did as well" I laughed a little.


My phone started vibrating, I checked it. "Ugh, my phone always gives me these notifications on a special day. It can be a bit annoying sometimes"

"What's today again?" he asked

"Um, valentine's day" I said short

"Ah yeah... hold on...oh no" he said stressed

"What is it?" I asked

"It's Benedict and Sophie's wedding today!" he said even more stressed

"I've got to go I'm sorry!"

He ran over to the door with his jacked in his hand, waved goodbye before he was gone.


I was making some salad when a message popped up on my phone

TOM-*hello dear, I'm sorry I had to run so fast. Things got a bit hectic, hope you forgive me. The ceremony just got over, it was perfect. I'll call you later, okay?*

I smiled at the text. I love how he said sorry for really nothing. I typed back

*ha-ha. No need to apologies Tom! I understand. Good to hear, okay you do that*

So since I hadn't anything to do I decided to draw. I did that for a couple hours before I decided to take a break and head for the shower

I was thinking, I only had the dress from the funeral, and I didn't exactly feel comfortable using that yet. So I fixed myself and went out to get a dress.

I walked down the streets of London when I received a message from Tom

*Hey, so I was thinking about the "what's on stage awards" tomorrow, and you told me you only had one dress with you to London. So I talked to someone I know who can help you find the right one!*

Then he sends another message with the address. I smiled, he really thinks of everything

I made my way to the dress store and a skinny girl walked towards me

"Are you Liz?" she asked

"I am" I nodded

"Great! I'm here to help you find a dress"

I had been trying dresses about an hour, when the lady called Amy cam inn with a light blue dress. The minute it held it in my own hands I knew it was right. I took it on and it fit me perfectly. I walked out of the dressing room and spin around in a little circle. It reached down to my feet and was a slim dress.

"What do you think?" I asked Amy

"It's perfect" she said folding her hands exited

"I think it's the one" I said smiling with excitement

I changed back to my clothes and took the dress with me to pay for it

"Oh, no. Tom already played for it" Amy said

"He did?" I asked

"Yes" she said smiling

I looked down to the dress in the bag. Smiling. He is too kind to be true.

where there is an actor there is an artist (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now