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The rain was bucketing down on the old steel; the constant thrum of the engines always present. In all directions lay clouds for as far as the eye can see, only the tops of mountains visible above. Dimitri looked out across the expanse, imagining what it was like on the ground, although he had never been there, he had read stories of before the bombs dropped, green fields for kilometers and trees that reached for the sky. He walked back inside the cabin, not wanting to get caught out in the snow. "How's the weather looking?" said Anatoli in a somewhat joking manner, obviously aware of the storm they were trying to outrun. "It's looking like we might have to just try and hunker down. Soon it will be too cold for the engines to work safely, and I suspect we are already having issues with radar" replied Dimitri. "Well I will be off, I have some work to do on my LA-5". finished Dimitri as he went for the door. "That old hunk of junk?" teased Anatoli with a smile. "I doubt you will ever get it running, what with all the lack of parts and all." "Hey, it handles well at least, and plus I don't think any enemies can really stand up against two 20mm canons, even if they are a bit newer aircraft". As Dimitri walked down towards the hangars on the lowest level, he heard the storm start to pick up more, this was going to be a long night.

As the hatches were sealed, and final orders being given, anchors were dropped form the ship, allowing it tp stay put in the air, with out being blown away in the storm. Dimitri opened the engine compartment of the modified LA-5, working on the large radial engine that took up the space inside the cowling. This particular plane had been constructed in the late 40's, just before the bombs, it was modified with folding wings and hard points for the launching cranes to launch the aircraft, the plane was nicknamed the "red devil" after its distinct red paint, which indicated a squad lead. Dimitri had been appointed squadron lead after defending the ship from multiple enemies, who had planned to board and raid the ship, luckily he had managed to destroy the landing helicopter before it reached the sip, after this battle he had been promoted when the his predecessor stepped down from the position. Unfortunately the Red Devil had been heavily damaged. As there was only four fighters on the whole ship, it was needed as soon as possible to get it back in the air, which was hard due to the lack of spare parts after 20 years in the air. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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