chapter 1

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Team 7 was arguing about something while they were walking as the sand siblings who were far away from team 7 took a break, " walking is such a drag " kankuro said as temari agreed, " FUCK YOU SASUKE! " naruko shouted running after a screaming sasuke. " NARUKO IM SORRY!!!! " sasuke shouted anime crying as naruko shouted " SORRY DOESNT CUT THE FACT YOU PUSHED ME IN THE MUD! " naruko yelled as the sand siblings turned there heads around in annoyance to see where the yelling was coming from.

Naruko was in her one tail kyuubi state running after a terrified sasuke as sakura was running after them trying to calm naruko down, sasuke and naruko ran past the sand siblings as gaara trips the blonde on purpose, " AND WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE MAKING ME TRIP?! " naruko yelled at the sand siblings which made kankuro and temari back away in fear, gaara got up from sitting down and went over to naruko kissing her deeply. " m-mmph?! mmn~ mmmnn~ " naruko moans in the kiss as gaara pins her to a fence " mmmmmnnn~ " naruko moans loudly in the kiss as she grips the redheads back panting softly, gaara pulls away as he looks at her and picks her up throwing her over his back as sasuke and sakura deadpan, naruko had hearts in her eyes as gaara smirks slightly at the flustered naruko and they walk off.

After the second test was over gaara would look over at the blonde beside him as he gave a crazy smirk as naruko pales and looks away, after the rounds were over they got one month to train as naruko finished training by dawn as she walks back to her apartment to see the red head there, " o-oh! u-uhmm- hi? " naruko said as gaara walks over to her and drags her to the bed pinning her down after shutting and locking the door.

" w-what the fuck a-are you doing?! " naruko growled loudly as gaara pressed his body against her as naruko moans softly " a-ah~ " naruko moans as after a few hours gaara slams inside her as naruko moans heavily and squirts for the seventh time " ha~ ha~ " naruko panted as gaara flips her over after pulling out her ass and enters her pussy " a-ah~! " naruko moaned out, gaara started thrusting as naruko panted heavily and moans softly " g-gaara~! a-arent w-we nnngh~ t-too young f-for a-ah~ t-this~? " naruko moaned softly as gaara finishes and cums deeply inside the blonde and lays beside her " i don't care if we aren't old enough i love you " gaara said softly as they both fell asleep.

The next day naruko would puke in the toilet as gaara rubs her back softly as he handed her a pregnancy test and left the room as gaara waits outside the room as a few minutes later naruko comes out crying tears of joy, " what's wrong?! " gaara said as naruko replied with " im pregnant gaara! " she said happily as gaara pins her to the bed and they both went in for a heated kiss.

At the chuunin exams after one month naruko faced off against neji as she gulped nervously as gaara glared at the hyuga ' if there is a scratch on my girl your dead ' gaara thought as the battle began, as naruko and neji started fighting and after a while naruko hit the ground with loads of scratches on her as she shakily gets up and aims for the gut as a few hours later naruko won the match and was about to faint as gaara caught her appearing in the arena " you ok baby girl? " gaara asked her softly as he noticed scratch marks on her body.

Gaara gave a deadly glare at the hyuga as he used his sand to take them back to the bleachers as gaara and naruko started to have a make out session while temari and kankuro looked away blushing slightly, after a few rounds gaara would be next as he told kankuro and his sister to keep naruko entertained and pleasured, they did as they were told as kankuro bites down on naruko's neck while naruko moans heavily at their touch.

" n-nghhh~ a-ah~ " naruko moans as kankuro grops at her boobs as naruko moans heavily as temari smirks and kissed her deeply as naruko moans in the kiss while kankuro takes off her shirt and twists and pulls at her nipple as naruko groans in pleasure as she purrs softly. Temari pulls away as kankuro and his sister switch places as temari sucks on her nibbles as naruko moans softly until a pair of lips locked with hers as she moans deeply as kankuro was kissing her with tongue as naruko moans softly as she slowly melted in the kiss.

a few minutes later kankuro was roughly thrusting inside naruko in the pussy " h-ha~! a-ah~! f-f-fu-fuck~!!! " naruko moans out as she squints an eye and bites her lip at the mild pleasure she was receiving " that's right! moan for me! " kankuro said with a smirk as he licks and bites down at her neck as naruko was moaning heavily while temari was watching as she was fingering herself while rubbing her tit as she breathed heavily while moaning softly " k-keep g-going k-kankuro h-ha~ i-im u-umph~ h-ha~ h-ha~ h-ha~ a-ah~ u-uhmmn~!!!! " temari moaned out as she was sweating hard " h-ha~....h-ha~ " temari was moaning slowly as she was almost at her limit as she was palming herself breathing heavily as
she groans in pleasure.

" h-ha~! " kankuro moans as he held naruko close while thrusting inside her as gaara came in after his match was over as he witnessed the sight of what kankuro and temari are doding as he got hard and smirks, kankuro moans softly as he made one final thrust and cums inside her as temari cums all over herself as she pants softly while gaara took over kankuro's position as naruko breaths heavily as she has bite marks and hickeys all over her while cum was visible on her body, gaara gasps as he moans at the sight of naruko's body as he slips off his pants and boxers as he enters her again.

Naruko was a moaning mess as she felt two members inside her as she deeply kissed gaara as she pulled away and kissed kankuro deeply, " h-ha~ g-gaara-kun~! k-kankuro-kun! " naruko moans loudly, as they both started thrusting inside the blonde as naruko grips gaara's back breathing heavily as gaara and kankuro grunt in pleasure while thrusting inside the blonde as gaara bites down on her shoulder making hickeys as naruko groans in pleasure as a few hours later naruko was filled with cum as kankuro and gaara were breathing heavily. " d-did y-you ha~ e-enjoy it b-baby girl? " gaara said catching his breath as naruko deeply kisses gaara as she said " i-i enjoyed e-every bit of it " she said catching her breath as well until temari pushes gaara and kankuro away as she pins naruko to a wall as they heavily maked out.

" m-mmn~ " naruko grips temari's back panting hard as temari caressed her cheek softly, a few years went by and naruko was pregnant with gaara's child as she rubs her belly with a soft smile " can i eat it? " kurama asked inside naruko as she glared at the fox within her mind as she said ' NO! ' then exited her mindscape as gaara knocks on her door as naruko smiles brightly at gaara who got on one knee and pulled out a diamond ring in front of her " naruko uzumaki will you do me the favor of marrying me? " he said as naruko cries tears of joy and tackle hugs gaara " YES I WILL MARRY YOU! " she shouted as they both went in for a tender kiss.

( tbc )

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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