☆44. you gotta be there for me too☆

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Double update

Jimin didn't knew from where that man came, actually it happened so fast that Jimin didn't even got the time to move inspite of hearing Jungkook's loud scream. The katana was about to pass through his throat, Jimin slightly pushed his own body. Jungkook couldn't reach to Jimin on time but thier love wo so deep and euphoric that, even Jungkook's name loves his sugar plum crazily. The katana landed on the gold pendant which was hanging on Jimins, neck the one which Jungkook had made him wore previously. His named pendant luckily was there to protect his love, Jungkook sighed in relief that Katana was on the pendant, it came in middle thats the reason why it didn't pass thorough Jimin's neck.

First Jimin didn't knew what to do, his daddy had seen him killing someone. He never wished to show this monstrous side of him to Jungkook, atleast not now. Secondly he needed to take care of this shit as early as possible. He thanked heavens that he was still wearing his daddy's pendant which saved him. This was the first time someone tried to attack Jimin, otherwise highly its impossible to even touch this beast. People feared him the most and not even the best fighters couldn't even stand against him. But as always his Appa, his lover was there to save him just like every time.

Jimin gave the man a strong elbow strike at the back of his neck, giving a hard damage snatching away the katana from him harshly. He landed a powerful punch On his throat. Jimin shot the man exactly on his forehead with his designed custom rifle.
Until all the members of Park Mafia surrounded those men.

Mostly now a person who seemed like one of the most important part connected to V according to Jimin. Jimin chooses him, as Jimin always targets his preys very wisely that no wonder he is called the Emperor of underworld. They made eye contact with each other and within flash of seconds Jimin used a very deadliest method of his to kill someone. The man tried to shoot Jimin but failed to do so as Jimin shifted their positions and managed to stab the man exactly in his mouth. The man wasn't ready for this he assumed that Jimin would stab him on his chest, stomach or any other body part, the man was ready to defense and had already made his mind to attack Jimin but little did he knew that.... this person named Park Jeon Jimin was a monster in disguise under his ethereal face. This was extremely painful imagine a sharp knife being stabbed in your mouth how painful that would be isn't it ?

Jimin turned and twisted the knife down to ripping apart opening his entire neck brutually. He was shaking terribly due to the amount of extreme pain he was feeling and within seconds his soul left his body. "All of you ! Keep your weapons down and surrender yourself if you're not planning to die" Namjoon came and ordered them.

They were absolutely right about it from the first itself. They never wanted to be in the clutches of Park Mafia which was one of the most deadliest and dangerous clan around the world. Inspite of numerous pleads their boss V ordered them to do this, to attack Park Jeon Jimin. But look at them now, they lost many of their fellow mates and were now under the mercy of Mr.Park.

"Now give us one reason why shouldn't we kill you all !! do you really think its that easy to kill our boss huh ?" Jin growled making them gulp hard with fear.

Jimin didn't looked like the same Jimin who cried in Jungkooks embrace for the first who called him Appa at the hospital for the very first time. He has changed completely and now it was crystal clear that his Jimin is the leader of Park Mafia, one of the most feared and dangerous Mafia clans. He doubted it earlier since Jungkook is very sharp but he was now seeing this with his own eyes.

Thats when Jimin's gaze met with those eyes who held his entire galaxy. Jungkook's face didn't show any kind of emotion neither sadness nor any anger it was completely blank. His daddy has seen everything and now it was over. Jimin felt his heart twisting around and breaking into pieces. Jimin didn't knew how to face his lover now. He couldn't explain how he turned into a monster it was unexplainable but will Jungkook hate him for that ? Jimin expected a sharp slap across his face after all this. But it never happened.

Jungkook marched towards Jimin and stood infront of him. He scanned Jimin from top to bottom and held Jimins shoulders delicately turning him around checking to find any injuries on his body. Jimin was shocked to say would be an understatement. Jungkook tightly engulfed Jimin into his embrace. Tears brimming out of his doe eyes silently. "I thought that today, I've lost you again infront of my eyes Jimin" Jungkook said painfully. Jungkook never asked why he killed them ruthlessly or why V named person was obsessed with him. He didn't asked since when his Jimin was the Mafia king. He just cried silently remembering the days when he thought that the love of his life was dead years ago and now seeing this today, nearly shaked him. He couldn't even imagine losing Jimin once again in this life time.

"You don't h... hate me ? Daddy please listen to me I ca... can explain you.." Jimin tried to speak but Jungkook stops him. "I could never hate you Jimin, there must be a reason of what you're today and I know that it was not easy for you to be here in this.... just forget it, I need answers for every single thing Jimin.... but not now, just let me hold you babe and don't speak further, because I know that every devil was once a beaten up angel. Just dont speak" Jungkook said and signed everyone to leave with his fingers, indicating that they needed privacy. Ofcousre they need to listen what Jungkook ordered since he's Jimins other half.

Jungkook held Jimin closer to his chest closing his eyes couldn't believe the fact that if not for that pendant of his name in Jimin's neck, something would have definitely happened today and he doesn't even want to recall that. 

End of Chapter

This was very unexpected right ? Infact you' ll can never expect what could happen, it can be angst, or romance you will read unexpected fight scenes and trust very different smuts 👀

I'm trying to make this book really different, hoping that I'm doing good. We still have many twists to reveal, please stay tuned to know them 💜

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