From Stare to Famë

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  My Outfit literally attracted the whole school which was very unexpected

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  My Outfit literally attracted the whole school which was very unexpected. I just stood lost in thought cuz I had never had that much attention on me ever. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard this
"Hey newbie"
I looked and saw the 'BAB's'(Bad Ass Bitches) standing in front of me. They are basically 3 of the most popular girls in school not to mention they are also best friends. Anyways, I said
"Your outfit is cute and spicy today, I like it" Betty uttered.
The rest of them agreed with her as

*After First Period*
"Hey shawty"
"Ur a cutie today"
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! That was Jax Thompson, the hottest guy at school. He called me cute. WTF!! I have to look cute everyday now cuz too many good things are happening and I can't miss out. This might be fate- maybe Im destined to be with Jax.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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