Thoughts pt.2?

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  Madison's pov —————————————————

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  Madison's pov

7 months. 7 months, Niklaus and his family has been here for 7 months. My Daughters met their father and older sister.

Natasha and Nik, well they like to paint and sketch together. I am glad that they are getting along. I still can't believe that Nik didn't know who Sebastian Stan was. Nat and Nik have been painting but they haven't let me see it they say that it's a surprise, so I can't see it. Niklaus also told me that Natasha likes MG and when I told him I knew he wanted to get them together but I told him MG likes Lizzie. So he left it alone.

Anastasia and Niklaus, Ana doesn't paint that much but she does sketch so there's that. She's also more into shoes and clothes, Nik says she kinda has  an obsession but- okay maybe he's a little right? But some of the clothes Ana owns, she has designed it. Natasha is her model of course Nat hates it so Anastasia is uses Niklaus and Hope  as a model. And the rest of her siblings are models too. Of course Niklaus hates it but he'll do it for the girls. She also like comic books more then clothes.

Natasha and Hope, they get along well. They do dance parties in Natasha and Anastasia room. Sometimes I find them in the art room painting away. Or sometimes they're just gossiping about Josie, Landon, and MG. Natasha ships more Hosie. Even Nik, Elijah, and Kol ships it. Last week I found Natasha and Hope baking- I mean trying to bake some cookies, let's just say Barry was not excited. He said that they destroyed his kitchen.

Anastasia and Hope, shopping. Anastasia took Niklaus and Hope out shopping yesterday. Why? I don't know. But she did bought some awesome comic books. Nik thought they were there for clothes and shoes but he was wrong. Just kidding he was right. They spent 2 hours looking at which blouse Ana should buy. Hope loves her sister but she does not like shopping. Niklaus and Hope entered the school with 10 bags on each arm. 10 of those where hope's and the other were- as Ana said. Lizzie, Josie, Amelia, Barry, Haven, Natasha. She bought all her siblings something.

Hope gets along with all my kids and that good. Well except Lizzie were still working on it. But other than that it's going great with the kids.

Niklaus gets along with my kids, I'm sure him and Lizzie are still planning the Hosie wedding. Haven tries to con Nik into buying her chocolate and it work everytime. Barry tries to get niklaus to play football with him but Nik sucks at it. Barry also told him that he was the mommas boy and that no one was going to remove him of that spot. Told Nik that not even Stefan could. Amelia has some trouble with Niklaus, well the trouble is because Niklaus couldn't pick between supergirl and wonder woman he just that it's the same thing but Amelia got into a 2 hour explanation of how Wonder Woman and supergirl are different. Josie likes to read so Niklaus just sits there and reads with her or sometimes they're burning Penelope's hair off- that was one time- one time or not they still burned her hair off.

Niklaus has been trying to get back on my good side but he already is. I am trying so hard not to just jump on him, but I can't do that. He has to ask me on a date first then I will have to call Caroline and consider it, make a pro and cons list, and you know gossip about it. I hope Nik gets the balls already and asks me out.

Hayley has been buying me coffee for the past seven months to try and get on my good side but she's gone to Hawaii so no more coffee for me. But we are getting closer. And that's good because I can't hold a grudge that's Caroline she could hold a grudge for years.

Davina and I have been getting closer. I had a job opening and now she's a grade 6 teacher to be more specific how to pronounce the spells and how what spell are for each things and more.

I am glad the Mikaelsons are back. I missed them.

And that's how Madison slept that night. Thinking about Niklaus and her kids. She loved having the Mikaelsons back.


Yeah I am just going to leave this here.
If someone wouldn't had ask for an update then I wouldn't have written this one so say thanks to the comment that says I need to update because thank you very much. To be honest I probably wouldn't have written this chapter.
Also I stayed up very late last night cause I was working on a 'shadows' update.
So if you also read my other book watch out for a chapter later on today.
Thank you for reading!!

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