chapter 3

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sam ended up staying the night at sami's. it was Friday night and they woke up around 11:00 which was really close to lunch time so they decided to get ready for the day and go have lunch at red lobster.
After lunch they went to the mall and went shopping and there was a guy that worked at Zummez that kept staring at sami so sam looked at the guy and flipped him and kissed sami right in front of him and yelled "SHES MINE SO BACK OFF" the Zummez guy just turned away and went back to help a customer.
They walked by bath and body works store and sami said "I wish i had enough money to get perfume there today" sam pulled sami in the store and said "I'll pay for it babe" sami kissed sam cheek and got perfume and sam paid for it. They left the mall walked back to sam's car and drove off. It had been a good day for them both. they got back into town. they went to sami's house and watched the scary movie annabelle. it had gotten late and it was Saturday night. "im hungry" sam said and sami looked at him and said "what do you want to eat" "grilled cheese" so sami and sam went to the kitchen and started to fix grilled cheese so they fixed grilled cheese and ate that then they watched other movies. Sami's friend Alex had texted sami thinking it was sami texting her but it was really sam. No wonder some of those messages were weird that Alex was getting. Alex was planning a small get together and have friends come over to just hang out and she invited sami and sam but sam told Alex no because he had something planned for their 3 month anniversary. Sami had no idea what was going on. It was finally the day of there anniversary so sam made plans to go out to Texas Roadhouse and then go see a movie. sami was getting really suspicious about what was going on because sam was acting weird.
sam told sami to be ready around 6 and to wear something nice but not to nice. He winked and left sami's house sami got all ready and it came around 6. Sam walked up to sami's door and knocked and sami opens up the door and sam had pink rosés behind his back and then pulled him in front of him and handed them to her. Sami cried and said "ohh my gosh sam you didn't have to" they kissed and went to the car and sam made sami cover her eyes up while he was driving so she would be surprised when she got there. They arrived at Texas Roadhouse and sam told sami "uncover your eyes" sami uncovered her eyes and said "oh my gosh babe no i like to eat here"
sam looked at sami and smiled and said "there is no other person i would rather spend this with sami you make me so happy. you mean the world to me i love you" sami started to cry giggled a little and said "sam you mean the world to me to i think about you all the time i love you to"
They kissed and went in to the restaurant they got seated and ordered dinner. After dinner they went to go see a movie they got tickets for the movie and went to go find there seats before the movie started.
The movie finally started sam put his arm around sami and pulled sami closer to him. Sami put her head on sam's shoulder and they looked at each other and said " prefect" at the same then they kissed.

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