Chapter 1: The summoning of the Anti-Christ

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This story is for OutlawTheOutcast. So I hope you all like it!

It was around 4:00 P.M in South Park, Colorado, when a small young British boy named Philip, or what everyone else calls him Pip, was walking down the road. He saw his bullies, Eric Cartman, Kenny McCormick, Stan Marsh, and Kyle Brovsloskie. Pip jumped with fear, and hid behind a tree. The tree wasn't slender, it was a fairly go size for poor little Pip to hide from them.

"Kahl, you know what we should do later today?" Eric asked.

"What is it, fat ass?!" Kyle answered, clearly pissed off.

"Aye! I'm not fat! We should summon the Anti-Christ!" Cartman said with pear joy.

This made Pip gasp with fear, he was a Christian, and the Anti-Christ was a big no. Philip looked from behind the tree, when Eric saw him.

"Hey! Pip! Come over here!" Eric yelled with a dangerous grin crossed his face.

Pip took a beep breath, and then walked over to the group with shaky legs. Scared of what the consequences would be.

"Y-yes Eric?" Pip asked sheepishly.

Eric looked at the trio, and they all nodded. Kyle and Kenny walked over to the smaller blonde, and started to push him towards the abandoned warehouse. Philip's fear raised as they all made their way inside.

"Why are-" Pip was cut off by Eric pulling a knife out from his pocket.

Pip tried to pull back away from Kyle and Kenny's grip, but it just made him weaker. Eric laughed at this. The poor blonde started to cry, and whimper in fear, on what will happen to him, and what their going to do. Eric pointed the knife to Pip's arm, and pressed it hard ageist his skin, dark red blood poured out of his soft skin. Philip screamed with pain, and so much more fear.

"Do you think that is enough for the pentagram?" Kenny asked with his head still in his parka.

"Yes this will be enough." Cartman answered.

Dropping Pip on the floor, crying, hoping that it was over, but he could only wish. Through his hot steamy tears he saw Stan making a star of sorts. Kenny picked Pip back up, and put him in the center of the star. Candles lit up, and the overhead windows were covered, so that it was a dark room, and only the candles lit up the area. Stan, Kenny, Kyle, and Eric started to chant something in a completely different language. Pip's blood that was all over the floor started to glow, and smoke formed around the Brit.

"Who in hell's name thought it was a good idea to hurt such an angel?" A voice rang through out the warehouse.

This made Pip jump with more fear. A raven haired boy with bright red eyes looked at Pip, with much pity.

"Can I ask you something angel?" The boy asked in a whisper.

"Y-yes you may." Pip answered with a few tears falling down his cheek.

"Who on God's green Earth hurt you?" The boys eye's filled with much anger clearly pissed off.

Pip pointed at the group of boys in the opposite end of the pentagram. The boy walked over while a trail of fire followed him.

"You what?!" The boy screamed.

"Yes we did." Cartman said proudly.

"We've hurt him since what? 3rd grade?" Stan answered.

Damien then grabbed all four of them, and though them across the room, walking back to Pip at the same time.

"They wont be bothering you anymore." Damien said with a soft voice.

Pip backed up from the Anti-Christ in pure fear.

"I wont hurt you. I promise. I'm Damien who might you be?" Damien smiled.

"M-my n-name is Philip, but e-everyone calls m-me Pip cause they hate me." Pip answered sadly.

Damien looked over Pip's body, and picked him up walking out of the warehouse.

"Then I will call you Pip. Not that I hate you, it's just easier." Damien said.

Don't summon the Anti-Christ (Dip/Damien x Pip South park Smutfict)Where stories live. Discover now