You are an archnephilum, you were born from the flesh of humans and the grace of angels in all forms but God doesn't want you to exist because the humans made you to be a weapon so you escaped into Hell and hide yourself from the big man himself.
Here we see you looking through books about demons to look for signs to prove that you're part demon too as we see a hunter named Dean Winchester the Second handing you more books.
Dean II: "You think you're a demon?"
(Y/N): *reads a book*"Part demon actually."
Dean II: "My advice is that if you're really part demon, you should be leaving behind sulfur."*sees your footprints made from sulfur*"And there's some in your foot size."
You look on the floor and see sulfur in the form of your footprints.
(Y/N): "I guess you're right."
Dean II: "See, it's the little things that matter."
You then check the time and see you need to get to work.
(Y/N): "I guess, I gotta get going, see ya."
You then fly off out of the room as Dean sees that you just disappeared.
Dean II: "Someone's in a hurry."
Later, at S.I.M.P. we see on a TV, a commercial comes up in Heaven as we see a cherub show up.
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Cletus: *on TV*"Well, howdy! I'm Cletus! Welcome to Heaven! Guess you did something good to get here, and good people deserve to give loved ones special blessings!"
Here we see the commercial playing as the jingle was very similar to S.I.M.P. jingle but more angel themed than demon themed as we then see the TV blow up because Blitzo shot it with his pistol.
Millie: "Nice on B."
Verosika: "Has anyone seen our resident angel boy (Y/N)?"
Blitzo: "I don't know, he always appears out of nowhere like he lives in my ass."
Blitzo then turns around and sees that you're right behind him.
Blitzo: "Ah! Would you stop coming out of my ass!"
(Y/N): "I didn't come from your ass, I was doing research to see if I was part demon and when I discovered that footprints made out of sulfur came from me I have confirmed that I'm a demon cause demons leave behind sulfur wherever they go."
Verosika: "Another bonus."
Blitzo: "Anyways give me another, Mox!"
Moxxie nervously sweeps away the flaming debris and puts another old fashioned TV onto the stand. He turns it on with a scared look on his face. The 666 News logo appears. Blitzo pours gunpowder into flintlock.
Blitzo: "Eh, naw, not feelin' it. Next!"
Moxxie then changes the channel as it showed a Betty Boop appears in black and white, dancing erotically with prominent breasts, holding a pitchfork. Blitzo and Millie look bored.