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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Tossing and turning as it went off. I needed 5 more minutes but I had to hurry and get dressed before I was going to be late for class. I checked to see what time it was and it was 6:42. I got off the bed and walked towards the bathroom. I got undressed and just looked at myself in the mirror. Feeling disgusted at how I looked. I felt tears build up in my eyes. 

"Why do I have to look like this" I said to myself. "Why do I have to be so ugly" I said with my voice cracking". I kept repeating it over and over again. I then wiped my tears and turned on the shower. I let the shower run for 2 minutes so I wouldn't freeze or burn to death without knowing the temperature. I got in and just stood under the water for 5 minutes. Thinking about what's all wrong with me. What my parents probably think of me. And what my friends thought of me. Well if you can them friends. I hated showers, it made me think since all I had to do was wash myself. After I finished showering, I got out and dried myself as I walked towards my walk in closet. I picked out a black long sleeve shirt. And a burgundy skirt that had buttons going down forming a line.

 And a burgundy skirt that had buttons going down forming a line

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Authors note*** This is not what she looks like. Just the outfit she's wearing. I forgot to mention what she looks like because I could not find a picture of what I wanted her to look like on google. She has long sandy brown hair. She's light skinned. With dark brown eyes. 

I picked out short black boots. With a sliver bracelet that had a crescent moon. I hurried and ran down stairs. As I passed the kitchen, I could hear my stomach growl. I didn't want to eat because I already felt fat already. So I ignored my stomach and grabbed my keys. I was going to yell "bye mom and dad" but I forgot that she's out of town on a business trip and my dad is over his friend guys house. I hurried and closed the door and jumped in my car. 

As I pulled up at school I looked at the time on my phone. It was 8:15. I had 30 more minutes to spare before I have go to my first period. When I got of my car and went inside the school, I heard someone call my name. I looked to see where the person was but as I turned my head someone ran into me. 

"Wtf" I said angry. 

"My bad damn" A boy said. I didn't know who he was and I knew everyone in this school. He had short black hair. Tanned skin and headphones. He was extremely attractive but I didn't care because I was irritated that he ran into me. 

"Names, Marcel" He said. He looked into my eyes like he was trying to figure me out. 

"I can give two fucks" I said as I grabbed my phoned and walked away. 

Authors note** This is my first story ever on wattpad. And I will try and update as fast as possible if I have enough views. Thank you so much for viewing my story. And I hope you like it and stick around for more

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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