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Who is your crush? And do they like you back?

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Who is your crush? And do they like you back?

Aries: Noya, No, just friends. (I didn't pick the wheel did.)

Taurus: Yachi, No. (Again I didn't pick the rude ass wheel did.)

Gemini: Tanaka, Yes.

Cancer: Kenma, Yes.

Leo: Kiyoko, Yes, as friends.

Virgo: Kageyama, Yes, as a friend.

Libra: Bokuto, Yes.

Scorpio: Oikawa, Yes.

Sagittarius: Iwa-Chan, Yes.

Capricorn: Daichi, Yes.

Aquarius: Kuroo, Yes as a friend. 

Pisces: Asahi, Yes, as a friend.

I feel bad for the ones that got no but everytime I respun it said no- And I might not go to sleep cause I got a TON of ideas like a lot so yay~

~Author-Chan Out~

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