Chapter 09

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I'm currently in my room fixing my things for my class later. I only have my second class today because my professor in my first class was absent, he needs to attend some conference. Thankfully, he announced it to us last week, so we are prepared for it.

Aris was already gone for his OJT. He applied to some other company, I don't know its name, but one thing is for sure, He made sure that the company where he is going to have his OJT is not under our corporation. Aris doesn't want to have any special treatment. He is so much like me in that matter. Sometimes, coming from a compelling family is not good, especially in learning. Our Daddy Mew and Mommy Gulf support us, so there is no problem regarding that to them.

I am just busy handling arranging my books which I am scattered on my study table when I heard someone is knocking on my door.

"WHO IS IT?" I asked.

"Hello, Son! It's me. Can I come in?" It's my mom, so I quickly let go of the things that I was holding and run to the door to open it for him.

"Hi, Mom! Of course, you're welcome anytime. You don't need to knock!" I smilingly said to him,—my mom proceeds on coming in and sitting on my bed.

"What is it, mom? Do you need something?" I asked him.

"Ahh, nothing Son, I just want to have a little talk with you!! It's been days since we last talk to each other. I just want to know if there is an update regarding your life." My mom smilingly asked him. This is the usual him. He is very hands-on with us. he always makes sure to talk with us and know if there something going on with our life. He always wants to be connected with us, his children. He is the sweetest.

"Haha, the usual mom, busy with my studies. You know it's always been my goal to be number 1 in my course. Just like you and dad!!" I smiling said to him as I sit beside him on my bed. My mom held my hand and looked at me intently.

"Just that? nothing new?? " He asked me suspiciously like he was expecting something more. Can I tell him about Damon? But I don't have anyone to talk to. I'm confused about his action towards me. Can I ask my mom about this? Maybe he knows what this means to cause it's confusing the hell out of me.

"Ahh, mom, there is one. I want to ask you about something, and it's not really about me. I promised it's not about me. I just want to ask your opinion regarding this cause I don't know what to tell my friend when he asked me about this," I told him. He just smiled at me.

"Okay, who is it, and what is it about." He asked me. I then sit correctly on the bed before starting to speak again regarding my question about him.

"Ah, you don't know him, mom, it's my classmate on one of my subjects in the University, Yes! My classmates. There is some guy who has been bothering him this past few days. At first, They hated each other simply because they are so different from each other. The guy loves doing hmmm quite bad things, but my classmate loves to do the opposite. One day, their paths cross, then the bad guy always wants to do bad things to my friend." I was speaking to him, but I was stopped when my mom suddenly interrupted me and said.


"Mom!! I told you it's not me! It's my friend." I told him. He sighed deeply before speaking again

"I'm sorry, son, I got carried away. Continue!! I will listen." Mom smilingly told me

"Okay, then what happens next is that the destiny seems to be playing with my friend and the bad guy because their processor suddenly asked them to be in one group for a project. My friend was so problematic because he thinks that the bad guy will just continue to hurt and do bad things with him, but he was shocked when the bad man suddenly changed his mood. He became caring, and in an instant, He became sweet with him without any apparent reason. My friend was so confused about this. He tried to ask the bad man, but it seems that the bad man avoided answering him. My friend is so confused right now, Mom!! He doesn't know what to react to this. What should my friend do, Mom!! This is so new to me. I mean him!!" I asked my mom, I was waiting patiently for his advice, but it seems that my mom is just smiling at me. I was shocked when he suddenly hugged me

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