My study tour in Bandung

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       In 2015, when I was a student in 11th grade at SMK N 2 Purwokerto. Our school held a study tour to Bandung, West Java. The study tour itself lasted about 3 days. First of all, we came to the school at 4 p.m. Around 5 p.m we began our journey to Bandung by Bus. It took around 8 hours from Purwokerto to Bandung. After a long journey, we arrived in Bandung around 3 a.m. Then our bus went to the hotel. As soon as, we arrived at the hotel. Immediately, we took a bath and rest a little bit after a long journey. At 7 a.m we had breakfast at the hotel.

       After breakfast, we went to Politeknik Bandung. There we learned lots of things about the engineering program, which is my study program at SMK N 2 Purwokerto. Like how to operate CNC machines effectively and efficiently. We stayed there until 4 p.m and immediately back to the hotel.

       The next day, we went to PT. Pindad Indonesia. To be honest, that tour made me really excited. During our tour, we saw the process how to make parts for weapons, ammunition, parts of Armored Vehicles, and the process assembling the parts of Armored Vehicles. We also learned the history of PT. Pindad itself. Unfortunately, we were prohibited to bring a camera or smartphone to take a picture of them. Around 5 p.m we back again to the hotel.

       The last day is the day our vacation it's really begun. We went to Trans Studio Bandung. There we had lots of fun. There was a funny moment in which I steeled my heart to try riding a giant swing, and the result is I almost throw up, thankfully that didn't happen. Besides that, I tried almost all the rides in Trans Studio with my friends and I also didn't forget to buy souvenirs there for my parent at home.

       In the end, we have to go home. Around 3 p.m we made our way back to Purwokerto. Finally, we arrived in Purwokerto around 12 p.m or midnight in good condition. Immediately, we were going back home respectively. It was a great experience for me and I'll never forget it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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