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Hey everyone sorry for not up dating in forever I have just had a lot on my plate with my other stories and work from school and stuff so I made a teaser for you and the rest of the chapter will be coming up soon,..... I hope😞😥😕
"Dinner was delicious thank you Marilyn," Jack says giving his plate to the robot butler.
"Gotta keep you children healthy somehow with all this new technology!" Marilyn the chef exclaims with a laugh.

"Hey Charlie wanna walk the dogs with me?" I ask, what a stupid question, I mentally hit my head, ugh she's gonna think I'm an idiot.
"Sure!" Charlie says enthusiastically. She smiles at me and I'm completely awed. I grab the leashes and whistle for the dogs. Bonnie and Ralph come barreling down the steps towards me.
"Ooph!" I huff out as Bonnie and Ralph jump on me.
"Oh dear are you ok?" Charlie asks me holding out her hand to help me get up. I take her hand and hoist myself up nodding my head and hooking up the leashes to Bonnie and Ralph.
"Take Bonnie she's more calm than Ralph is and won't pull you around as much," I say handing Charlie Bonnie's leash.
*drum roll* I'm so happy this story along with my other ones are getting views and that drum roll was completely random I should just delete it but oh well.😩☺️😯😏😆😬💋😬😂😮😹😋😲😊😧😊😨😮😾😈😎😱😓😳😔😹😊😼😅😰😓😨😙😴😽😏👣😿👩‍👩‍👧👹👨👨‍👨‍👧‍👦😻👻👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👻👅👻👅👈✊👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👹👭👨‍👨‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👦‍👦🌲🍄🐣🌾🐴🌸🐣🍃🐏🐊🐑🐊🐃🐉random emojis

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