Extra (3) - Luna's birthday

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This happened a month before Kao and Earth go to the palace to visit.

Earth is grinning widely when he and the Luna entered the house. He run when he see Kao lift his head from reading a book.

“P’Kao!”, he cheerfully called the latter. Stoping in front of the guy.

“Hey baby”, Kao pull him and ended up sitting on his lap. He blush when the Luna, Kao’s mom laugh.

“Mom, bought me an outfit that I will wear tomorrow on her birthday”, he grins as Kao give him a kiss on the cheeks.

“Can I see?”, Kao said. He nods and stand up, grabbing Kao’s arms. They went straight to his room or their room? Kao always sleeping in his room and some of the older’s things are in the room as well.

He push the older to sit in the bed while grabbing the paperbag where the clothes are in.   Before he can run to the restroom to change, he felt arms around his waist. He turn and surprised when Kao’s lips touches his, “Go”.

Playfully smack the latter then go to the restroom to change. Looking at the mirror, he smile. His outfit is a white crop top, light browm blazer and light brown shorts. He nods on his reflection before going out the restroom.

“Ta-da!”, he shouts and smile at the sitting person.

His smile is wipe away when he heard the serious tone of Kao, “You will not wear that tomorrow!”.

Earth frown, “What? Why? Mom said I look good on it”.

Kao remains serious and avoid his eyes, “You will not wear that”.

Earth starting to get annoyed, he prepared the outfit for Kao because there will be visitors and he heard some Alpha’s still trying to pair Kao to their daughters. “I will wear this tomorrow, whether you like or not”, he stubbornly said.

Silence fills the room. “Do whatever you want. I’ll sleep”, Kao said not looking at him and walking out the room.

Earth is speechless. This is the first time that Kao use that cold tone one him. Sleeping? Where? In his own room?

Earth’s eyes start to sting. He take a deep breath, remove the clothes and change to pajamas. Tossing, he don’t know what time  he fell asleep but he sure have a hard time without Kao’s arms around him.

In the morning, the house is buzzing. Many visitors are to be expected. Some Alphas and their children are invited.

Taking a deep breath, Earth wear the outfit because he doesn’t want to disappoint the Luna who bought the clothes and he also want to look good for Kao. He heard some Alpha still trying to pair Kao to their daughters.

He go downstairs and see some visitors eyeing him. His eyes roam around and see Kao, but to his dismay the latter didn’t bother to take a glance on him.

Earth greeted the Luna and excuse himself to get some food. He is in the middle of  putting some meat in his plate when another visitor enter the house. An Alpha with his daughter.

Earth stops and look at them as they approach Kao and Alpha Wut. He bit his lips when he notice how the girl blush while looking at Kao. His Kao.

When he see Kao get a drink for the girl, he put the plate down and go to back door, leading to the garden.

He crouched down, playing the grass, eyes starting to sting, he look around and his attention is caught by the red roses. He smile a little and pick one up but he hiss when thorns pierce in his hands.

“Earth, Mom is looking for you”, he heard. He didn’t look who said those words because he knows to well who is that. His scent enter his nose. He just look at his hands and unconsciously hold the rose harder which caused the thorns to pierced again to his hands.

“Earth?”, tears starting to falls. He doesn’t want Kao calling him by his name.

Earth still didn’t look up when the rose is remove from his grip. He just sniff and look at the ground.

Soft sobs come out from his mouth when the familiar arms wrap around him and the endearment, “Baby, c’mon look at me”.

Earth slowly look up, eyes full of tears, “P’Kao, don’t be mad at me na. I miss you”.

“Hush, I’m not mad. You know I can’t be mad at you. I love you, baby”, Earth close his eyes when he feel Kao’s wipe his tears and give him a peck on the lips.

“But you never look at me, I just want to look good so that even with beautiful visitors, you will still look at me”, he sobs while smacking the latter.

“Silly baby, you will always be the most beautiful one in my eyes. You’re too beautiful to my liking, with this outfit, you definitely stand out at the crowd which I hate. You’re mine, baby”, Kao seriously explains then gently lift his hands, lick the small wounds where the thorn pierce.

“You are mine as well, P’Kao. No one else. Mine!”, Earth mumble tightening his arms around Kao’s neck. Kao chuckles and give him a kiss.

The couple enter the venue again, this time Kao’s arms wrap around the expose waist. Pulling Earth closer to his body. The pack sighs in relief which makes the Luna laughs.

Eating at the corner, as always, Earth’s side is attach at Kao’s side. Arms still lingering on the waist. It’s almost 6pm when Kao hears a soft breathing, he look down and see Earth sleeping with his head on Kao’s shoulder.

Kao smiles and carefully lift the younger one, he feel the small arms wrap on his neck and snuggle closer. He go to his mom’s side and excuse themselves. Going upstairs with his baby in his arms, Kao snuzzle the head in his arms without noticing that all eyes from the pack and visitors following them with their gaze.

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