Bad Timing

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Bree hopped into Ben and Erica's car, and Ben took the wheel. They went ten times the speed limit, and cut in front of everyone. The car had sirens and they saw a crowd around a bunch of smoke. The fire department was across the street, and they were all putting out the fire.



"Over here!" Erica was shouting. "Bren's looking in the car!"

Bree darted for her sister, who was deep in the smoke.

"Mom!" Bren shouted through the mess. "They're dead." she came up a second later, with a bone in a bag. "We're too late."

Erica came up two seconds later. "There was a bomb under the car. When they sat on it, it activated it, and there must've been a detonator somewhere near." she looked around.

"There!" Bren was already darting for the Monument, where a black truck, with tinted windows was leaving. She fired three shots, which of course, all hit the car, but the car must've been bullet proof because nothing went through.

Instead of seeing Bren come back upset, she was smiling. "The plate's IVOL 656, Virginia."

"I can look into that," Erica said. "Let's head back, authorities will be here soon."

Bren looked back at the crash once more before leaving.

"Sorry about Anakin and Amanda," Bree said, sympathetically. "You were actually making friends, for once."

"Shut it!" Bren snapped. "I could make a new friend within the minute." as if summoned, a crowd of fellow spymates, came following in.

"Bren!" all of them were shouting, or screaming. "What happened?"

Ignoring all of them, Bren picked up her gun, and followed Erica.

"What's going to happen now?" Bree heard her sister whisper to Erica. "What about the new mission?"

"I don't know," Erica whispered back. "I'll have to ask the principal."

Bren scoffed. Bree assumed it was because everything had to go through the principal first, even though he doesn't have the foggiest clue on what anything at the school means. Bree had personally nicknamed the principal "Dipstick," because he acted like one. Plus, if they ever talked about him, no one would know who they were talking about, including teachers and staff.

"Bree?" Bren was at her side. She hadn't even noticed she'd stopped. "You wanna stay with them?" she pointed to the crowd of annoying ass girls. "Good luck."

With that, she darted back to Erica. Bree had to sprint to catch up with Bren. She walked faster than Bree could sprint.

"I call shotgun!" Bren shouted, knowing Erica would be driving.

Bree nor Ben complained, because calling shotgun, usually meant you had to actually use a shotgun with this family.

"Hurry up!" Bren snapped. "I might be rogue, but I still have classes to attend."

Not wanting to upset Bren anymore, Bree scrambled into the back of the van.

The minute the radio turned on, of course, the news of the crash was up and running.

"Wow!" Ben said.

"I know," Erica agreed.


"The press doesn't miss a beat," Bren explained quickly. "Meaning it has barely been fifteen minutes and they've already got a story on board."

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