Love and loss

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You and moani rushed out of the cave with excitement and adrenaline running by through your veins. "WE WERE VOYAGERS! WE WERE VOYAGERS!" You both shouted happily as you ran. Noticing that you had passed gramma you both quickly turned around and ran back up to the old woman. You both sat on one side of her as she smiled at you both. "Why'd we stop gramma?" Moani asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. Her face grew darker, as she looked out to the horizon. "Maui." You noticed how cold she said his name. Like it was dirt in her mouth. "When he stole from the mother island, darkness fell. Te kā awoke. Monsters lurked and boats stopped coming back... To protect our people the ancient chiefs forbid voyaging...and now we have forgotten who we are." You all looked down sadly. Suddenly gramma tala's face turned stern as she used her cane to help her stand up. You both followed her as she began to walk. And the darkness continued to spread. Chasing away our fish draining the life, from island, after island."

You gasped and covered your mouth with your hands as you looked at the darkness that creeped up into your home. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes as you looked at this. "O-our island." You spoke, your voice almost cracking. Moani quickly went up to your side and wrapped his arms around you. He held you tightly as you held your tears in, just enjoying the feeling of his embrace. Moani rested his head on yours and closes his eyes, comforting you in silence. Tala turned and smiled at you both, her smile turning to a grin as she walked up to you both. "But one day, two will journey beyond our reef, find Maui." She rested her hand on your shoulder as you let go of moani, who missed feeling you in his arms, as she walked around you, taking something out of her necklace. You noticed how she had a firm grip in what she was holding. "Deliver him across the great ocean..." you gasped as you watched gramma tala place an emerald green stone, that looked so familiar to you. "To restore the heart of te fiti!" Tala grabbed your hand and rested it atop of Moani's that held the heart. A faint blush appeared on your face, but unnoticed. Unlike the blush on Moani's.

Tala grinned as she held both of your hands tightly together, grinning at you both. "I was there that day! The ocean chose you both!" Suddenly light from the ocean caught all of your eyes. You watched in awe as the ocean put on a spectacular show. Suddenly it crested up and looked down at you all. You and moani failing to notice gramma tala backing a bit away. Your hands still clasped together. Your eyes seemed to ✨sparkle✨ as you looked at the ocean. "I-I thought that it was just a dream." Moani spoke. You were speechless as you looked up at the ocean that towered above you. The ocean did some more stunts as you stared in awe. Suddenly the ocean shot yo and splashed water on you and moani. You pushed the hair out of your face with a chuckle. You grinned up at the ocean as moani chuckled, smiling up. Both of your hands, still clasped firmly and tightly together around the heart. "Nope!" Gramma tala chided, making you chuckle a bit.

You three all looked out to the starry night, looking at a specific constellation. "Our ancestors beloved Maui lies there, at the bottom of his hook." Tala turned to you both, but looked more specifically at you. "Follow it, and you will find him." You and moani looked down at your hands that were still interlaced. You both blushed as you quickly pulled your hands away. Tala smirked a bit. "Okay, but why would it choose us? We don't even know how to make it past the reef." You but your lip as you looked to the side. Moani suddenly perked up and ran off. "But I know who does!" He shouted as he ran further and further away. You snickered a bit and smiled, crossing your arms. Gramma tala smirked at you. "Don't give me that look." Gramma chuckled, before she wheezed, coughing. She sat down on a stone by you with your help. Concern was written across your face. So visible, only a blind person could miss it. Tala sighed as she smiled up at the stars. "My time has come young one..." your eyes widened as you suddenly felt like crying. "What?! No no no, l-let's just get you back ok- GRAMMA TALA!" You watched as she suddenly collapsed to the ground. You gasped in shock and fear and quickly went down to her. Suddenly you scooped her up with all of your strength, and looked around for a second before running to the village. Leaving the her cane behind.

Quickly you kicked a down to a hit open, tears threading to fall from your eyes. "HELP! It's tala! She's not well! I-I-" a woman smiled kindly at you and rested her hand on your shoulder. "It's going to be okay y/n. Just calm down, please." You relaxed and smiled a bit. The woman nodded and showed you where to rest tala. You sat by her side as she lay there. You looked up to a man who had just came in. "Alert the chief and his family about this." The man nodded and ran off.

You held gramma tala's hand tightly as you rested your head against it. Silent tears rolled down your cheeks. Tala smiled at you as she wiped your tears, before resting her hand on her chest. Suddenly the tarp opened and moani and his father came through. The wo came over. The chief on the side of his wife and you and moani on the other. You wrapped an arm around moani and pulled him close as he reached out and touched his grandmother's hand. Tears started to fall as he tried his hardest to not to. The chief and his wife looked sadly at the woman that lay before them before turning to each other and sighing. The two get up and walked to a woman who was helping stabilize tala.

A hand rested atop Moani's, making you and him turn to the dying woman. "Go...." she muttered. I was pretty much inaudible. "What?" Moani choked out. Moani leaned down to the woman's ear as she slowly get tired for him to move closer. You held his other hand tightly. "Go.." she whispered once more. Moani puled away, tears rolling down his cheeks. "No... I-I can't" Tala gripped his hand a bit tighter. You and Tala made eye contact. Unspoken words were exchanged between the two of you. You nodded, wiping your tears. "You both must go! The ocean chose the both of you. Follow the fish hook," you clenched Moani's hand tightly. "Gramma-" but the woman was stubborn, and cut the boy off. "And when you both find Maui!" She turned to look you directly in the eyes. "You grab him by the ear and say. 'We are y/n and moani of motunui,'" she took off her necklace and gave it to moani as you watched. "And you will board our boat sail across the sea, and restore the heart of te fiti. "B-but, I- incant leave you! We can't leave you, gramma!" The young prince's voice broke as he spoke. Her head fell out as he clenched his hands, pulling his hand from yours. Tears cascaded down his face onto the ground.

You clenched your hands on your knees. You could only watch as your tears fell down, faster and faster. Your vision was blurry as you sucked in a breath. Your body shook as you tried to keep in your sobs, but it was just impossible at this point. Tala smiled kindly at you both. She reached out and grabbed both of your faces, pushing them up so that she could see you both. She pulled you both closer. Moani leaned against her hand as you leaned agnarr her hand and held it. "There is nowhere that either of you could go, that I won't be with you two." You three put your heads together as she smiled a bit. Moani slowly moved away as you stayed a bit. Tala looked at you with a smile. "Watch after him will you? Make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble." You both chuckled as you smiled. "Heh, I'll try my best. Maybe even teach him a few things." You winked as she lightly chuckled. You both smirked before you started to get up and walk backwards towards moani. Moani grabbed your shoulder making you stop as he clenched the necklace in his hand tightly. "Go!" Tala weakly called to the both of you. You both trailed your eyes up to the picture of Maui on the tapestry above Tala, the women helping aid her all that they could. You and moani looked at each other before looking back at her. You both nodded, moani putting on the necklace around his neck before grabbing your hand. You both ran out, before departing to your separate ways.

1566 words. Haha. I am still doing this book. I kinda been procrastinating on this book because I've been thinking of making a twisted wonderland story, since I've heard rumors of it getting an anime. Which I will kill for, dead ass. Also a few of you guys are probably not gonna like me in the next chapter byeeee!

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