Meeting His Parents! | TXT x Reader

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Request: "Meeting his parents for the first time txt pls ? 👉🏻👈🏻" From Anonymous

Warnings: None!

Word Count: 1081

Choi Soobin

You were so incredibly nervous and Soobin could very well tell, your leg bouncing up and down on the car ride to his parents your hands start shaking the closer you guys get to his parents house

The car was silent which was very unusual both of you usually singing along to any song in your playlist and just enjoying each others company

As much as Soobin wanted to reassure you that everything was going to be okay and to calm down your nerves he knew it wouldn't work since you were such a worrywart

Once you got to his parents house you were basically shaking like a leaf, he held your hand and walked behind you leading you to the front doorstep and knocking on the door

To say his parents immediately fell in love with you was an understatement, they ADORED you the moment you peeked out behind Soobin arm (shoulder)

Since Soobin was such an introvert it made his parents really glad and excited to see him so carefree with you

With Soobin by your side, you grew less shy as time went by and his parents got to see how much love both of you had for each other

Let's just say they're already planning the wedding

Choi Yeonjun

With Yeonjun your anxiety was also really high but he managed to help you with it by distracting you with anything he could find, it proved to be successful

His parents loved you the moment you hit their son on the arm when he started flirting with you in front of them, none of the past girls felt comfortable enough to do that with Yeonjun and it proved how much he had opened up with you

They also loved when both of you offered to make dinner, it was a little overcooked but the four of you had fun bonding over it his mom helped both of you teaching you new techniques and offering to give both of you some cooking lessons

His dad, who was still a little doubtful since his son was such a flirt, was there right beside the two of you making sure Yeonjun didn't cross any lines and that you knew how to deal with the trouble maker that was Yeonjun

They were so proud seeing their son be so close with someone and knowing his feeling for you were true, also checking over you to make sure you weren't using him, which you weren't

They knew your relationship could last

Choi Beomgyu

He was super excited for you to meet his parents, both of you along with his parents didn't make a big deal out of it and made the meeting more casual so that neither of you started on a wrong foot

The moment both of you arrived at his childhood home he gave you a tour since his parents weren't home yet

Once his parents actually arrived you all sat down and spent some time eating and chatting his parents asking you questions and you asking them back about their relationship

During that dinner, Beomgyu was as quiet as anyone had ever seen him sitting back and only giving insight if he felt the need watching you interact and get comfortable with his parents it was an eye-opening moment for him never had he felt this at peace and content

After dinner you and Gyu offered to wash the dishes, you may have left the kitchen soaked in water after the small water fight you and Beomgyu had

His parents adored how you could not only be comfortable with yourself but also let yourself explore new things with Beomgyu they couldn't wait to spend more time with the both of you

Kang Taehyun

Instead of him comforting you, YOU did the comforting, he was nervous he wanted everything to be perfect and it made complete sense, this was HIS s/o meeting HIS parents what could go wrong?

With everything piling up from his duties as an idol and everything else he was getting super stressed, this man has not slept a full night in days ever since his parents said they wanted to meet you

Was he serious about you? Yes! Was he worried you weren't serious about him? ABSOLUTELY!!! What if he introduced you and you weren't happy about it?????

But you were happy and really glad that Taehyun wanted you to meet his parents, yeah you were a little nervous but you saw how stressed Taehyun had become over the past week and prepared a small surprise for him!

A day before meeting his parents (or so he thought) was a day all about him, you asked him to take a day off letting him sleep in and take the well-needed rest he deserved right after you spent some time together and asked him to get ready to eat at his favorite restaurant

There you meet with his parents his nervousness spiking up again before noticing how quickly you made yourself comfortable with them and did anything to make him feel better

His parents loved you once Taehyun spoke up and talked about what you had done for him it brought back their memories of their years together and they saw themselves in both you

They had high hopes and want the best for both of you

Huening Kai

Much like Taehyun, Kai was also very nervous he didn't want anything to go wrong since this was his first relationship, but the moment the both of you stepped into his parents home all the stress washed away at the familiar smell and aura

He dragged you around excited to make new memories with you in the place he grew up in loving the cute smiles and looks of adoration you gave him

His parents loved every second of both of you in their home, the puppy love that radiated out of both of you and your glances along with hugs whenever you could was exactly what they needed in their home

They missed having Huening Kai home since he left to be a trainee and having him home with someone he learned to love when they weren't with him made them so proud

Their son had grown and they could have never imagined a better person to be by his side during it all, they adored you never missing the glances you gave their son filled with so much love

They felt lucky that you loved Huening Kai as much as he did you

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