chapter 2: out

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I saw everything, heard everything the mast man said to Josh. We made sure the man was gone and we followed Josh outside. We came to the door and I looked out and saw a dumpster.

I looked at Sebastian

"OK Sebastian. There's a dumpster out there. I'm gonna jump and....."

Right then I seen josh.


He looked up at me

" autumn! I'm gonna get you out of there just let me get a ladder or something"

I rolled my eyes.

"Hold on I think I see one over-"

I jumped out of the little opening and landed right in the dumpster.

Josh came running over and helped me out of the stinky garbage.
Ugh. I should have thought this through better.

Sebastian jumped right after me and I helped him out then he jumped right into telling us we had to hurry before they catch us but I couldn't because my emotions were running high today.
Must be my time of the month.

It was just so heartbreaking seeing siblings I didn't know existed be tortured and I couldn't save them.

Josh came and wrapped his arms around me.

"D-D they hurt you?"


was all I could get out because I didn't have the strength to explain it all at the moment.

I started to understand my feelings better when I started to cry and when I did it was like I couldn't stop. I just got sadder and sadder. I dropped to the ground and brung my knees up to my chest. I didn't care when josh picked me up bridal style and held me close.
Ugh. Curse you emotions. I'm supposed to be mad at this kid.

Josh looked at Sebastian

"So go ahead. What do we do now?"

"Are your friends here too?"

"No. I left them at the airport"

I knew we were near the street because I could hear tons of cars beeping and going by.

"OK text them and tell them to go to the hotel by the airport and we will be there as soon as we can"

I felt josh tense which meant he was getting into his jealous mode so I looked up to know why.

Sebastian had his arms out waiting to trade me for the phone so josh could text.

Oh boy please don't let this be a thing.

Josh loosens up a bit, gives him the stinkeye, and hands me to him.

I obviously don't have the strength right now to argue so I just put my face in his neck.

I guess Sebastian had called a driver for us when I was having my girl moment because one pulled up a second later and he climbed in with me (of course ) still in his arms.

Josh comes in after us still texting.
Josh was always like grandpa Joe when it came to texting. Slow .

"Where to?" The driver asked

"The airport sir thankyou"


I started crying again because I was both happy and sad. Happy because I'm out and away from there, but sad because my family is still stuck.

Sebastian pulls me back a little so he could look into my face.

He brushes the tears away and says,

"Stop crying nuthead"

I smile up at him then lay my head back on his chest.

"Alrighty here you go"

Josh says while taking me back in his arms and giving the phone back to Sebastian.

"There. I messaged them and they're on their way to the-"


Sebastian cuts him off and looks at the driver then looks back at josh.

"Yeah to the airport"

josh says getting what Sebastian was trying

to say.

"OK good"

Sebastian lays his head on the window and josh looks down at me. we just stare at each other until I smile at him and he smiles back. I can tell by his expression change that he has something he wants to tell me that serious so I touch his cheek and guide his face toward mine so he's looking at me.

"Go ahead josh. Whatever it is just tell me"

He looks at me and gives me a half smile.

"Autumn look. I went to the-"

"We're here sir" the driver announced

"How much will that be sir?" Josh asks now trying to advoid telling me.

"20 dollars"

Josh takes out his wallet, hands the man a 20, and carries me out the car.
I'm loving this not walking thing.

Sebastian hands the phone back to josh.

"Ask them what room they are in and tell them we will be up in a sec"

Josh hesitates before handing me back to Sebastian. the last bit of tears roll down my cheek and Sebastian wipes them away again and says,

"Its OK nut face. We're safe now"

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