Chapter 2

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//see TWs &  CWs from Chapter 1

(Ancap sits in his bathtub by himself)

(Ancom enters, brand new wooden toothbrush in hand)

Ancap: (sees door open, covers hischest with his arms) (screams) Ahhh!

Ancom: (turns around in shock, stands in the door frame, back turned) Shit, I'm really sorry. I thought you'd be in bed by now.

Ancap: No, I'm fine... it's fine. You can come in.

Ancom: You sure?

Ancap: Yeah, I... I just thought you were Nazi at first. But I feel like I can trust you with this.

Ancom: (Turns around, enters the room, closes the door and leans against it) What do you mean by "this"?

Ancap: This (lowers arms, revealing his chest)

Ancom: (looking at Ancap's top surgery scars) Wait.. you're trans gener? That's so cool....

Ancap: I don't think it is, Ancom. It's hard. And I'm scared of Nazi finding out about it.

Ancom: Sorry, I should have...

Ancap: When I was young I actually started investing money so I could afford transitioning some day. And here I am.

Ancom: Again, sorry for being so inconsiderate. I was just... excited not to be the only queer person here. I won't tell anyone though, that's for sure.

Ancap: Thank you. I knew I could trust you with this.

Ancom: Is this why you didn't wanna... go further?

Ancap. No. Well, kind of... I was on my period. I still have it despite the testosterone...

Ancom: Ooh that makes sense

Ancap: yeah...


Ancap: But... if you want... we could try something tonight..

Ancom: Yeah sure! (smiles at Ancap)

Ancap: Great! (smiles back) I can come to your room in.. 10 minutes?

Ancom: Sounds great! See you then! (leaves the bathroom, closes the door and runs to quis room)

(Ancom's room)

Ancom: (in quis head): Oh god I forgot how messy all of this is... I need to clean up, at least the bed. (throws grabs hoodie from bed and throws it across the room, several other clothes follow) I really want him to feel comfortable.. Should I change? (looks at quemself in the mirror on the wall) I have no idea what he likes. I don't even know his sexuality. Should I try to look more feminine? Does he view me as a man? I'll just stay as I am. I feel comfy. (smiles at quemself in the mirror) Ancap likes me. He will take me as I am. I think. I hope. But I really wonder how he views me. God, why is sexuality so complicated? (pulls out sticker from quis hoodie pocket and slaps it against the bed with force. It has a unicorn holding a big hammer on it. The impact font says "smash the patriarchy" and "smash gender roles") Why can't everyone just do what the fuck they want? (grabs baseball bat from the ground) And love who they want? (hits quis bed's mattress with the baseball bat) (out loud) I can do it, why can't everyone else? (hits mattress again) God I hate the world so! (hits again) Much!!! (repeatedly hits mattress until quis arms hurt)

(Ancap knocks on the door. Ancom's bed breaks in half.)

Ancom: (opens door, tries to block the view into the room) Hey there! Uh... (Ancap tries to look past Ancom, realizing qui's taller than he thought) could we maybe go to your room? Mine is.. a little messy.

Ancap: Yeah sure. Why not. Are you alright? I thought I heard you scream..

Ancom: I'm great. Let's go. (hastily closes the door behind quemself, grabs Ancap's hand and pulls himaway from quis room. Ancap follows, surprised by Ancom's forceful grip)

(Ancap's room)

Ancap: (sighs shortly) Here we are!

Ancom: Why is your room so much bigger than mine?

Ancap: No idea. How do you like it?

Ancom: It's alright. Doesn't seem too comfortable if I'm honest. Almost steril. But it looks good. Very classy furniture.

Ancap: Thank you. I like to keep things more clean and organized, you know.

Ancom. Yeah, sounds like you... by the way, are we gonna need condoms?

Ancap: (visibly confused) Cond.. wait, do you... have a dick?

Ancom: Yes? Does that surprise you? I mean, look at my body? Do I look AFAB to you?

Ancap: AF.. ah. Well, yes- no. I don't know. You just have this.. soft energy. And dicks are... hard. And they seem so.. brutal?

Ancom: Soft energy?? I bash peoples' skulls in, I talk back constantly, I literally slapped Tankie in the face last week and you think I'm soft?

Ancap: I.. don't know. It's hard to explain...

Ancom: Is it because I'm enby? Because I'm an UwU catgender queer? Is that what you're saying?

Ancap: No, Ancom, please listen to me..

Ancom: You know what? Fuck you. I'm so tired of this fetishization and infantilization. Suck my dick, my big, brutal, hard dick. (runs out of the room and slams the door)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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