No way in hell

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"Theo! Get your ass down stairs now! We are going to be late!" My mom screamed from the kitchen. Obviously this day was going to be no different from yesterday. Or the day before. Or the last four years for that matter.

"Yes mum" I replied. Taking one more look in the mirror, I shook my head in shame. I don't even know why I try anymore. My chest was barely noticeable, my face was anything but flawless, and my hair had a will of its own. Like, I had an okay face, it just wasn't as beautiful as I wished. My chest was there, but then again, most of the female population had bigger. And my hair. I have straightened it, matter it down with hair spray and frizz solution, and still, it seemed to be about as obedient as a mad dog. The only feature I treasured were my eyes. They were dark brown with thick black eyelashes that made them pop. Sighing, I tore a grey hoodie from a hanger and pulled it over my head. I don't know what it was about hoodies, but they made me feel safer in this world. My ripped jeans were in tatters and no doubt my mom would give me hell for even thinking about wearing them, but they were my favorite. Lastly, I picked up my Best Friend necklace Brianna had given me when we spent the summer at the YMCA together. Smiling, I remembered how we had laughed together and she had told me that I was beautiful no matter what others thought. She knew my deepest secrets and had seen my tears, but ever since she had to move, I was lost. I hadn't smiled since the day she left.

Tears stung my eyes and I chastised myself for feeling sorry for myself again.

'Come on Theo, pull yourself together. Children are starving and in far worse situations then you. Remember that.' I told myself, then remembered how Brianna had told me that she thought that to make herself stop having a pity party. She was right. I needed to stop.

"Theo Mercy! Have you lost your ears! Get your fucking ass down stairs unless you would rather I come and get you!" My mom threatened. Wiping away the tears, I ran down the stairs and jumped into the car. Soon, my sister Evangelia, Evy as I call her, hopped in the back whistling happily. She was the favorite and knew it. She got to live without fear while I trembled at the thought of tomorrow.

The ride to school was obnoxious, since all my mom did was complain about me being untrust worthy and what not, not deserving them, and how I was an uncaring brat. Clutching my school bag tightly to my chest, I got out of the car, refusing to let her word bother me.

On my way to the entrance, i saw the different groups of students doing who knows what. I didn't belong in any of them. I had once, a long time ago, but I doubt if anyone remembers.

Suddenly, my foot caught on something, and I flew foward, hitting the ground with my head, making a sickly smack. Holding back tears, I tried to collect what had happened. That's when I heard the laughing.

"Oh look, she's making out with the ground. What a pathetic use of a human." One voice sneered.

"Gawd, I can't believe her parents let her out of the house looking like that!" Another commented. Pulling myself to my knees I wiped the dirt from my cheek only to kind blood. Looking down, I saw that both knees were skinned. My ankle was throbbing painfully but I managed to look as if I wasn't affected. But the sad thing is, I was.

"Here, let me help you up" a voice said, causing me to look into the wonderful eyes of Andy Malcolm as he offered me a hand. Speechless, I took it. Putting an arm around my shoulder, he said, "Come on."

Andy was a jock, hands down. So him helping me, a nerd, was unheard of. Ever. So, I was immediately suspicious.

"W-why are you d-doing th-this?" I stuttered, unable to stop myself from the inevitable. We were walking down the hall obviously on our way to the nurses office, but the scene was so strange that many stared.

Blushing, I looked away. He was trying to embarrass me.

"You are hurt. I'm not just gonna let you suffer out there with those bitches, unless you wanted that" he replied, looking foward.

"N-no, I was just curious" I said blushing.

He smiled and I desperately hoped that it was a real one. "You do kk ow that curious iffy kill the cat right?" I blushed even more.

We arrived outside the office and Andy knocked. Receiving no answer, he pushed the doors open and lead me in. The nurse wasn't there, so he picked me up, much to my surprise, and set me on the table. Opening random drawers, he eventually found the disinfectant and bandages. He started with my knees, pulling up my pant legs so it was more accessible. Wiping away the dirt around it, he removed the blood and placed a bandage over it. Attending to the other leg, he did the same. A few times, I hissed in pain, but he waited till it didn't hurt anymore before continuing.

Then, he worked on my cheek. The gash was a little deep, but nothing to serious. Clearing away the dirt, he gently patted the blood away. Staring into my eyes, he suddenly became my pain releaver. His eyes made the pain seem to raid away and be forgotten.

As soon as he was done, he helped me of the counter only to put me back up cause I hissed in pain because of my ankle.

"Dammit, it's sprained." Andy cursed.

"I'm sorry" I replied shamefully, feeling that this whole thing was my fault. If only I had been looking where I was going maybe-

"Theo it's not your fault. Those bitches did this to you. You should not be the one apologizing." He said and I looked down.

He found an ankle brace in a drawer and put it on me. Walking me out the door, he asked where my locker was.

"Um, 227?" I replied, not understanding the boy.

He followed me there, the whole time with an arm over my shoulder, which was not helping me think clearly.

Opening my locker, I grabbed my books from it and closed it. Immediately, the books were letter out of my arms by Andy and I gave him a questioning look.

"I'm helping you today since your ankle is hurt" he explained. He really shouldn't.

"Oh but I should." Had I just said that a loud?

"You should really stop blushing or else I might loose it Theo, and kiss you right here" he groaned, making my eyes widen and the red I so dearly wished to go away, appear.

"Theo, now you're doing it on purpose" he groaned.

We were out side of my classroom, and he opened the door for me like a gentlemen, allowing me to go in. Setting my books on my desk, the people around us stared. He didn't seem to notice.

"See you before your next class Theo," he whispered huskily, before planting a quick kiss on my cheek, and walked out of the room.

Suddenly, my world became a lot more complicated.

As if it already wasn't.



This is my new new book Real or Not Real. Do u likey? No likey? If so comment cuz I love opinions, unless you are my sibling, and if u are the first, u get the dedication for the next chapter. Best comment, I will promote one of you books on here.


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