The long goodbyes and nightmares

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(your pov)

The last memory that i can recall at will of my family was the day i left to train. my three younger siblings we holding my legs and wouldn't let me go and the person that was in the car to escort me was starting to get mad. think to myself it was the humanitys strongest soldier i can fell some heat rise to my cheeks but just a little to color (your skin color) my two younger brothers will and jem, and my only sister tessa start chanting something that i can't make out because i was to busy thinking why would the freaking humanitys strongest soldier be waiting for me?


---------------------------------------------------flash back-----------------------------------------------------------

commander”levi one of your head corporals will pick you up”

i nod”okay” and i salute him he chuckles at that “now now stand down your already have the acting part o” i hear the door shut “thc, is this the person you want me to exhort home and back” and he nods “then come with me little brat”

---------------------------------------------------flash back end-----------------------------------------------------


i snap out of the flash back when my little sister  grabbed my waist...i never noticed how small i was i smile at her and she doesn't return it”please don't leave me with all these stupid boys(y;n) i look at her “now now don't cry you can come with me when your 13 okay” i rub her head and she looks a little sad “but that is in 5 years i'm not sure i will make it!’ i smile and she looks down letting me go and she sees the humanities strongest soldier walk out of the wagon and start to sneak up on me. she looks back up at me “Promise me you will lie visit us and” i look at her and she continues”and and and make you dream come true” i manage a smile “first off i already promised 15 times” The person standing behind you smiles behind you “second where the hell did the last thing come out of” before she could answer  she gets off of me and i feel a hand on my shoulder and i turned around in a fighting stance and the rest of my family went inside and i am still standing there in the position levi looks at me “why are you trying to do that dumass?”

he smerks at me “come on do you have your stuff?” i nod yes “okay then lets get going brat”  and you put your stuff on the ground nicely neatly and cleanly you smile at it since you also love clean things and he gets in shutting the carriage and telling the person who was driving us to go back to HQ.

-----------------------------------------------LEVIS POV--------------------------------------------------------------

me and this cadet start to have a staring contest and she tries to stand in the moving carriage. she does stand up and i realize how short she really is because she can stand straight up in here and the carriage his a bump and she almost falls but she regains her balance”you okay miss…” she stares at me as if considering her words carefully and she gives me a very clean slut “Cadet (y;n) and i still haven't picked up your name?” i almost pull a smile but i fail miserably “it is levi when we are alone with no one else around or when people that we don't know or are not in the ligament and it is corporal levi when their are other people that both of us know” she looks at me confused but she shrugs off the confusion like i would and she goes to her bag and pulls out two books both the same and what was weird is that i was really interested. i looked in her (e;c’ eyes and i got lost in them as if they were pulling me in and then i looked at her lips the were a beautiful natural pink color and medium size i found myself wanting to kiss them  then i looked at her insanely long (h;c)  hair and i really started t want to play with is then i looked back at her eyes to find her looking at me with a very focused on something  other then me look or the i'm so lost in thought look. i go back to her eyes and i got lost in them for about 7 minutes and she snaps back and she stared at me and asked me with her insanely beautiful(e;c) “why are you staring at me l-l-levi?”

i look at her  “your eyes are so beautiful” i shake my head “you need to get rest okay, especially for your first day in training tomorrow just to let you know you will be training with the other cadets for a while just to get the basics down and then how you do will effect my decision on training you myself okay (y;n) ?” i look at her and she agrees with me and she goes one of her three suitcases and she gets out a blanket and i pillow the blanket has dragons on it and you pillow had a suitcase that was black with some ravens on it and you set up she started to set up her part and she goes back to the same bag and she grabs a beautiful necklace i recognized it and then i recognized that (y;n) was petras best friend and she put on the necklace and it was a cross made of silver flowers that were darker than her hair and she gets in her bed and she lays down. and she closes her eyes and her breathing slows. this was indicating she was asleep and i watch her for a little while and she moves a little and the carriage (or whatever you want it to be0 immediately stopped and she fell on the floor with a thud and i sigh and i pick her up and i put her on my side and i make the bed the way it was and i picked her up gently and i set her down covering her up and i get out and i yell at the driver and they stopped being so reckless and i get back in and i close the door behind me and i mutter under my breath till i look up and i see(y;n) crying in her sleep. i reached to wipe the tears off her face. i look at her and she starts muttering things under her breath i only caught a couple things “dad mom jem will” more tears “tessa” and she turned even more and she was breathing really hard and she bolted up screaming “PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!!” and i think well here goes my way of being non emotional but i made uP my mind the girl i love is in agonizing pain so  i ran to her side holding her tightly and she loses herself in tears and i could feel were her head was getting wet i guessed because of her tears. i lose my self and i lightly press my lips upon her forehead and she calms down after a while

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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