Due to a series of circumstances sadly beyond my control, this work will be Temporarily On hiatus for the short term. An update to the newest revision, which is considerably different, is necessary and thus any update will be delayed while the book-keeping and updating to the "publisher version" takes place. Hopefully, these changes will occur swiftly and we will be able to continue where we left off.
Among the major changes:
1. None of the characters is Belgian or Dutch any longer.
2. The exposition and build up is shorter. The story progresses faster.
3. Minor changes to some characters names/surnames, especially Saskia (no longer Van Sant) and her mother Rhiannon (no longer the same name nor surname).
4. A larger story scope to tie it to the actual main body of work.
I hope you have a nice Easter and hope to see you all again real soon!
WerewolfSydney expected to spend his summer lounging by a pool in a glitzy hotel or reading by the fireplace at home. However, when his mother must leave to attend a summit in Germany, and with the rest of his family spread far and wide across the world, he...