Chapter 1

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"Hyunjin!" Felix said slightly out of breath. "Hyunjin I said slow down damnit!! You forget that I'm short!" Hyunjin laughed and turned to face his friend. "And you forget that I can't help how fast I walk. My strides are just to long." Hyunjin covered his mouth and choked back another laugh, the sight of the small brunette boy all red in the face due to him trying to keep up with the latter was quite amusing. "It's not just your god forsaken stride, you're a fast walker too." Felix pouted and started walking ahead. Hyunjin followed and soon the two made it to their separate lockers. Idle chit chat was made between the two boys before they opened their lockers to grab the supplies they would need for their next classes.

As Hyunjin opened his locker a folded piece of notebook paper fell out and landed onto the floor. The boy looked at it for a second before picking it up and opening it.

"...what is that?" Felix said, leaning slightly to see what was written on the paper. Hyunjin stayed silent for a moment as he read the letter.

"I'm scared to tell you how I feel...  Hyunjin.. I really like you.."

Hyunjin furrowed his brows slightly as he read the letter before turning to Felix, answering his question. "It's a letter. Like a love letter there's a confession in it too." Hyunjin gently folded the paper again and placed it in a safe spot in his locker. "Do you know who it's from?.. why are you keeping it??" Felix asked. Hyunjin shrugged "It didn't say. The person signed the letter as X and even said they didn't want to reveal themselves." Hyunjin shut his locker. "Are you curious to know who it's from? Because I'm definitely curious. We should ask the other guys if they saw anyone come near our lockers!" Felix said with a sneaky grin on his face. "I don't want to know who it is yet Felix but go ahead and mention the letter to the guys if you want. We've gotta get going to our classes. I'll see you at lunch!" Hyunjin smiled and waved to Felix before rushing to his first period class.

Hyunjin had a very hard time focusing in his first few classes. He had to admit that he was very curious as to who wrote the letter. The fact that someone had actually went out of their way to even write a letter for him to made Hyunjin feel special. However he couldn't think about the letter now, Hyunjin is currently in his Geometry class. A class he was failing. Hyunjin claimed that his failing grade wasn't just his fault but the darn teachers fault too! Mr Meyers just didn't know how to teach. The old man was also completely stuck in the old ways and refused to change his views as well as the way he teaches.

As Mr Meyers kept going on and on about how to prove that a triangle was a triangle with his stupid math formulas, Hyunjin let his eyes wonder to the clock. 20 minutes til lunch. The boy sighed and re-averted his eyes to the notes he had taken. The unit him and his class was currently in made no sense to him. Hyunjin made sure to write a small reminder to himself to ask his dad for some help with the homework that would be assigned for that night.

The next 20 minutes felt painfully long as Hyunjin continued to take notes that made no sense. Finally, the bell for lunch rang and he bolted out of the classroom. Mr. Meyers raised his voice at Hyunjin telling him to slow down but the boy was already long gone.

Hyunjin entered the lunchroom and walked over to the table where he usually sits. His friends soon all filed into the lunchroom, they sat down and pulled out their lunches. 

"So Hyunjin." Chris began. "Felix told me someone put a letter in your locker."  Chris wiggled his eyebrows as the other boys laughed softly. Hyunjin nodded and looked down at his food. "Yeah, I got a letter. I don't know who wrote it though." Chris nodded. "I'm sure you'll figure it out. None of us saw anyone put anything in your locker so we aren't much help." Chris smiled softly at Hyunjin before returning to his lunch. 

Hyunjin got home and pulled the letter out of his book bag. The young boy read the letter again and wondered if the mystery person would leave him another letter.

Idk how long you guys want these chapters but here's the first one. I'm not going to give each member of Skz an introduction because I'm lazy lmao. ANYWAYS I hope you guys liked the first full chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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