funtime freddy x reader

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(I was bored and nobody decided on ships so I made this)

As u enter the breaker room. It was dark and only sparks lighted a little bit of the room. U went to the control module and saw the silluet of fun time Freddy deactivated. U swallowed hard at the sight of him. U started to repair the power then u heard movement. U looked up and saw Freddy standing away from his stage (I'm wtf to call it) he wasn't close enough for u to play the audio so u continued to repair the power. Then u stood there in fear when u heard "R-READY OR NOT HEAR I COME" u looked up to see him towering over u.U screamed and fell backword. Before u hit the ground some one grabbed u by ur hand and pulled u back. It was fun time Freddy. "Umm thanks Freddy" u said nervously. "N-N-NO PROBLEM LAMBCHOMP" he said. That was a very interesting nickname he gave u. But it didnt bother u. U smiled at him then u realized how cute he was. U blushed when u looked in his beautiful ocean blue eyes. "HEY UR CHEEKS R RED AS A TOMATO THERE Y/N" he seemed to notice u were blushing. So u covered ur cheeks with ur hands. He raised and eye brow and put both of ur hands down gently. "D-DONT HIDE UR PRETTY FACE CUPCAKE" he said in a soothing way. Bon bon was not activated at all, so it was just u too.

He took of bon bon and put him on the control module and pulled out a right hand from his storage tank and put it on. He looked at u in a mischievous way. He tilted his head a little making u blush more cuz of how cute he was. He pulled u in for a hug. (CUDDLE TIME OwO) u blushed more and hugged him back. U kissed him on the cheek and he blushed lightly. Then he pulled u in for a kiss. His worm soft lips on urs, u gave in, but u didnt notice that he had u on the ground and he was on top of u. He broke away and u were surprised on how u got in the position u were in. U looked at him as he looked at u. U blushed lightly when he started to kiss ur neck. U moaned a little, then u found ur go spot. He continued to kiss and lick it the unbuttoned ur shirt revealing ur f/c bra. Then he started to lick down ur pants. he unbuttoned ur pants revealing ur f/c underwear. "SAME COLORED P-PANTIES HOW C-C-CUTE" then he took off ur underwear and started to lick ur clit. U moaned as he licked and nipped at ur clit. He stopped licking ur clit and started to finger u. As he thrusted one finger into u, u moaned in pain and pleasure as he worked.

Then he inserted a second finger in u. U moaned in pain as his fingers stretched u out. then u started to feel pleasure. He continued to finger u till u cummed.He pulled out and lick ur cum of his fingers. Then he positioned his 11 ft member at ur entrence . U looked at it wide eyed when u saw it. He slowly slipped it inside u. He didnt want or tear u in half, ur entrance started bleeding when he inserted his member in u. U moaned in pain. Then u adjusted to his giant size then he slowly thrusted in and out of u. U moaned in pain as he slowly thrusted In u. U started to feel waves of pleasure. "Freddy ft faster please" he went a little faster and u moaned a little louder. He started to grunt a little then he buried his face in ur neck as he thrusted into u. He went faster making u moan louder. After a little bit his moves became sloppy. He was getting close to cumming. He continued to thrust in u till he cummed in u. When he pulled out there was cum dripping from ur entrance. He put his member back in his pelvis and helped u up. U got dressed and u guys hugged goodbye and u left.

U didnt seem to find ballora anywhere. But u just crawled away into the vents. Ballora was in a corner like WTF FREDDY!?

I was listening to despasito while writing this XD

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