New World Order

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Bucky and I had gotten a small little apartment somewhere in Brooklyn , just like we said we would. It was a little dingy and we didnt have a matress so there was a makeshit bed on the floor, in front of the old TV we found.  There was a lamp beside our bed and a kitchenette. It wasnt perfect but it somehow suited us.

I was making us dinner , which was just boxed macaroni and cheese , when the door opened. "How was theapy ?" I ask , already knowing who was at the door.

"It was alright." Bucky answers. I turn around too look at him and notice his new hair cut. It was  shorter than it was in the 40's but I'm sure it'll grow out.

"New hair cut ?" I say as I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck , playing with the short strands.

"You like it ?" he asked , wrapping his arms around my waist

"Yeah. I mean , I'm gonna miss the long hair but the short hair makes me feel nastolgic."

"Yeah ?" he leans down , giving me a quick kiss

"Yeah." I nod , biteing my lip.

We kiss again until Bucky pulls away and speaks. "What's for dinner ?"

I turn my head to follow his eyeline at the pot on the stove. "Macaroni and cheese." I sigh. "But I did get some fruit from the store today for on the side."

"That's perfect , doll." he gives me another peck before releaseing his hold on me and walking over to the food.

The Winter Soldier and I waited on the other side of the wall for our mission. I listened closely , waiting for our target's to be close enough , their thoughts getting louder as they get closer. I glanced over at the soldier , holding my hand up and using my fingers to count down from three. The bottom half of our faces were covered by muzzels to conceal our identities incase someone recgonized us.

I lowered each finger , a second after the other. Once all my finger's were down , the Winter Soldier punched his metal arm through the wall and grabbed one of the look out men in suits , pulling him through the wall and back behind us. Soldat grabbed ahold of a handle above him and swung through the wall further , throwing a knife at the other body guard as I walked through the hole in the wall.

I looked over at the other men on the stairs and they ran away in fear.  I caught up with one of them and looked him dead in the eyes , my mind controling his into stopping his heart beat. Other men started shooting at us but I held my hand up , using my power to stop the bullets and turn them back on the men. I jumped over the stair railing and landed in a crouching position next to the Soldier.

He landed on one of the men and turned to shoot the one behind him. I caught up to another guy who was running and pulled a blade from my thigh , shoving it through his neck.

After we took out the bady guards , our target was left unprotected. The target was back up against the wall in fear as the Winter Soldier marched mover to him and grabbed him by the throat with his metal arm. The target gripped the Soldiers matallic wrist as he lifted him off the ground and went into the next room. As the Soldier was killing the man , I noticed someone else was in the room. I looked to my left and saw a young man , watching us in terror. Once he realied he was caught , he frantically tried to get into his room and I grabbed a gun from the Soldiers upper thigh.

"Shit." the guy muttered. "Please." the said as I walked over to him. "I didnt see anything. I didnt see anything. I didnt see anything."  the man continues to plead. I stare at him , and raise my gun , pulling the trigger as the bullet goes straight through his head.

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