Horrible Acident part 2 Alexis pov

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Yo dude lets play What chick would you Fuck man?
Said Vince

Okay man said Razzle

So Razz man who would you Fuck your wife Alexis or
Fucking Maddona ? said Vince

Um i Rather Fuck my wife instead of Maddona, because she looks
Like a bald bird man said Razzle.

Okay man .......

I looked up and i saw Vince was in the wrong Lane

Omg Vince man Looked out i screamed

Bammm the car hitted mine and Razzles side.


my Arm hitted the beer Boddles and my leg was hit

Ouch i said

Razzle was hit

Vince was confused so he Got out of the car and Ran from
The crash scene.

Looked down at my arm and i bleeding, i paniced and tryied
To get Razzles Attention.

Razzy Razzy i said

Razzle was bleeding

Love baby are you okay said Razzle

Razz are baby i said

Shes fine said Razzle he reached his hand on
My belly.

I saw lights flashing into my Hazel blue Eyes.

Are you okay ? said the paramedic

Yes i am but im bleeding im have been cut by beer boddles
I pointed to the back , ware they where.

The paremeics got me and Razzle out of the car

And took us to a near by hospital.



When i whoke up, i saw Mick , Nikki , and michel

Hey sis wake up said michel

Mick shoke me awake , hey princess are you okay ? said Mick

Wheres Razzle i was afferied.

He here said michel

I hugged michel and Mick

Wheres Vince ? i asked Madly

Tommy and Nasty are tracking him down
Said Nikki

And where not very happy that vince did that saId Nikki
As he pluched his fits together.

Don't worry sis where  gonna give the most Ass whipping he
Ever had said michel.

The doctor came into the waiting room ware we where at

Well sweet heart you are okay, you just broke your leg and had
Cut's in your arm, your glad you still have your leg and Arm.

Heww i said

Doctor how is my Husband? i said worryley

Well he s okay she said , he survived but we had to remove
His right leg that was badly damaged by glass but he's all right.

Thank God said michel

Can i see him i said with teary eyes

Yes mrs Dingley you can she said

Thank you i said.

Chole  and Nikki helped me to Razzles Room.

I went inside and Mick helped into a chair next to Razzle

Thank you Mick i said

Your welcome princess he hugged me.

And Mick left the Room

I was in the Room with just me and Razzle

To be continued


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