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3 years later

I'm currently living in a small farm house just passed the city. No humans take the rode leading the the farmhouse anymore so it's the perfect place for me to live. I've taught myself the basics of how to make edible food. I'm no pro but I can at least make it better than eating things raw, which is something I can eat now I just doesn't taste the same.

I usually hunt for my food. Although I don't have to eat often, I still eat when I get food.

I'm walking in the farm house trying to find something to do besides train and eat. My shirt pulled on me I look around and see my shirt caught on the broken edge of the dining room table. a small rip formed on the end. I went to pull it out and when I did I accidentally riped a big chunk of my shirt out.

"Dang it." I say to myself. I go to the room where I keep all my stuff. I keep my clothes in a duffle bag and other important supplies so that if I need to leave quickly I can. I look in the duffle bag and couldn't find any shirts.

'Am I seriously out of shirts', I think to myself.

I am a little irritated that I didn't notice that I didn't have any shirts, but I am more mad that I now have to back to the city it's a long run to the city and I don't want to go.

The city is had a large population so when the outbreak started people didn't know what to do. So most people were in the hospital. This allowed the outbreak to spread quickly. Now the city is a place filled to the brim with zombies. I look at the bright side and think now I at least I got something to do.

I get ready for the long trip to the city. I grab some water that I  get from the large lake next to the farmhouse and clean using a diy water filter and boiling  the water. I probably won't need it but I bring it anyways.

I walk outside my door and see a huge 6ft zombie that towered my small 5'7 stature standing outside the door. He looks at me for a second then looks away not even caring that I'm there. I walk past it and when I got to the rode I started running next to it rather than on it. It's better to be next to the rode then on it. You never know what's watching the rodes.

I sigh to myself as I'm running

'when did this become normal. When did I get used to seeing corpses walking around. I think back to the days before the out break, those were the days. I didn't have to run from humans then. I'm not even human any more.'

"Haha!" I start laughing at the whole situation.

'I mean I'm running at like 40mph. I'm a zombie having a mental breakdown while running. How could this be normal.'

It takes me about an hour and a half to get to the city and as expected their are zombies every where.

I head to the the closest store and find shirts in my size. I go inside the store and go looking through the shirts my size. Most of them falling apart due to not being used in three years but some are still in good condition.

I hear a gunshot coming from farther in the city.

"Idiot." I say out loud. Shooting guns in an area with high amounts of zombies unless it's a last resort. All it does is attract all the zombies in the area.

I leave the store and sure enough all the zombies in the streets are walking twords where the shot came from.

I sigh as I look at all the zombies. I went to a gated Alleyway and grabbed some trash can lids. I started banging them together.

Slowly zombies started to file in looking for where the noise came from. Some noticed me and tried to head back to the street but other zombies coming in stopped them. Eventually the ally was full and I walked out and closed the gate with a pipe that was laying around.

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