Tornado Twins / Babysitting

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(Wally is still alive in this one shot but Bart is now the new Kid Flash. Wally and Dick are already dating.)

Wally Pov:

It was Friday night and I had to babysit the twins. Fortunately, I was able to persuade Dick to help me, because Iris was out of town and Barry and Bart were busy doing hero stuff.

Dawn and Don ran through the house. It was very difficult to catch these speedsters, although normally I could keep up with them.
"Hey Kiddos it's late you need to go to bed."I said annoyed.
'They have done this almost all day!'
"You need to catch us first!"the twins said still running around.
I sighed. "Fine!"and started chasing them. Dick just laughed.

I followed them and after a while they had thrown the flower vase over.
"Oh! Come on!"I shouted out of breath.
"I got this."he winked at me while walking to the kitchen where they were a few seconds ago.
"If you'll be nice we will take you out eating ice cream next time."he said.
"Yes, ice cream!"they screamed.
It didn't took long before they were standing right in front of me.
"Only if you will be nice!"I said.
'God. I really don't want to buy I cream with these kids. It's going to be mess!'

After a while we got them ready.
Who thought that two toddlers could be so exhausting even if they didn't use speed. Dick had already said "good night" to them and said he would take care of the vase.
That was half right because he can do it better than me but we still had a plan. I walked past him and looked at him, he knew what that meant and nodded.

"So Goodnight."I was about to leave when I got stopped by Dawn.
"Can you tell us a good night story?"she asked excited.
"Uhm, sure?"I said while setting on the bed of Don.
"What do you want to hear?"
"How did Dick become your boyfriend?"Dawn asked excited.
"Ugh, Dawn that's not our business."Don said tired.
I glared at him but didn't care.
"So it started out when Dick and I became best dudes."I started.

After telling almost my whole life story I was done.
"So he is your soulmate?"she asked.
"Something like that."I answered.
"Good Night tornado twins."
"Good Night,"the both said in a choir.
"Good Night monster under Dawn's bed."I said a little louder so my boyfriend would hear me.
"Night,"Dick said through the walkie talkie under the bed. Then I just closed the door like nothing ever happened.

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