(Placeholder title)-Prologue

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The year is 1084.

A small girl- wearing nothing but a torn, tattered, molded, knee-length canvas dress and the rusted shackles on her wrists and ankles- is curled up in the corner of her stone prison. Ratty, choppily cut brown hair hangs in her bloodshot, crazed, storm-gray eyes, down to her chin. Her heavily scarred, bruised skin is paled to whiter than ice from two years of her current situation; sitting in this dungeon, a mile below the land the innocents trod, day to day, night after night. 

She is alone, naught but the bones of long-gone inmates to accompany her, along with the drip, drip, drip of the rainwater colder than the frosted north from seeping through layer upon layer of crumbling cobblestone and cracked, fractured granite. The bars blocking the escape from this hell of cold rock are rusted to the color of blood in a smear of muck.

There was a shrieking of metal on rough stone and the girl looked up, squinting through the heavy darkness of the cell. A man in full platemail, armed with a shield and spear, was standing in the doorway.

"Prisoner- time to go. Today's your last day." He said in a monotone voice.

She hissed, "My name is Victoria." and gave her visitor a hard glare.

He shuffled nervously, side-eyeing the rotting corpse of a skeleton in a similar outfit to him, armor splattered in blood, spear shaft snapped in two, body stripped of all it's nutritious flesh.

Victoria squared the man up from her seat on the floor. He was tall and muscular under his armor, and clearly knew how to use his spear. Well, she'd wait until she was out of the dungeon to kill him. Maybe I'll die while I'm at it. She thought, a maniac grin spreading slowly across her battered face. The guard walked over to the murderer and heaved her to her feet. Victoria went limp and let him drag her out of the cell.


The 12 year old squinted up at the sun shining cheerfully down on the city. So long it had been since she'd seen that ball of golden light. She couldn't help but smile as she was dragged across the rough paths, towards her death. Why escape? Decapitation seemed like a more entertaining way to go than starvation.

Eventually, she was pulled to her feet and pushed towards the guillotine, then shoved to her knees. She closed her eyes and grinned widely, listening to the booing of the onlookers, and the gasps of horror from the visitors, the questions like "Why is that child being executed?" and "Do you just kill young girls here?!". She laughed under her breath, a ragged, strangled noise. It sounded as insane as she was. Victoria laughed harder.

Then she heard the rope snap, and she muttered her last words;

"I'll see you all down below."


She was drifting.

Drifting through the white smoke, the silvery fog that passed through her hair, through her body.

What was her name?

Where was she from?

Was this... death?

There was a tugging sensation where her gut should be, and she closed her eyes, letting it whisk her away.

When she opened them again, she was lying on her side, gasping faintly for breath, in a field of green grass, the sun at high noon above her. Her body was coated in black fur, which was ragged and clung to the skin that barely covered her visible bones. She looked like a corpse. A wolf corpse. How?
She realized her vision was segmented. She blinked slowly and felt three eyes respond. Her ear flicked slightly.

She shakily attempted to stand, but collapsed on her side again before she was even on her paws. The wolf was trembling, and loosed a faint whimper.

Then, there was the sound of footsteps, and suddenly a small child was kneeling over her. He was around... her age? 12? She couldn't remember. He had short, platinum blonde hair, and was wearing a black sleeveless shirt, grey pants, and well-worn boots. His sky blue eyes blinked in surprise, and he reached out, gently putting his hand on the wolf's side. She wheezed, another whimper escaping her lips. He made a shushing noise, stroking her comfortingly. His eyes caught her's and he yelped, stumbling away from her. She whined sadly, and the child hesitantly crouched by her side once more.

"Hey... are you okay?" he asked quietly, his accent unfamiliar.

She stared at him expectantly, not sure what she wanted him to do, but wishing he hurried up with it.

"Right. You're a... well, not a wolf, but you're clearly not human. So, uh, you can't talk. Probably?" He rambled, stroking her side again.

The wolf blinked slowly, still watching. Still waiting for him to do whatever she subconsciously wanted him to do.

He met her eyes and froze. She froze as well, feeling a strange churning, tugging sensation. She felt herself.. liquefying? No, dissolving. She felt the particles that made up her body disconnecting over and over again, vaporizing into the wind.

And then she was gone.


Or... was she? 

She blinked. She was crouching next to a disturbed area of grass in a field, wide-eyed. She slowly stood, looking down at herself.


She appeared to be a he now. The boy- his name appeared in the undead's mind. Logan. He looked around. He appeared to be in a yard behind a small house, a fence to two sides and a forest directly behind him and the home in front of him. Logan hesitantly stepped forward.

Then he froze.

He... had somewhere to be. Where was he supposed to be? He foggily remembered a prison, a dungeon. No, he wasn't supposed to be there. He recalled the insides of the cozy home before him. Not there. Then he remembered the misty lands he'd wandered through. There. He needed to be there. He needed to get back there.

He straightened, eyes widening, and felt his body dissolve once more, but this time it was different. He wasn't dissipating- he was sinking. He sunk down, down, down, through the ground, through miles upon miles of solid rock. How was he doing it? It seemed impossible.

Then he closed his eyes and continued his descent in a state of unconsciousness. 


Uh. Hope y'all enjoyed! Gonna make more story for this soon :D
(F to everyone who followed me for Hermitcraft content, I, unfortunately, am discontinuing my oneshots book for the time being. u-u)

~Chat, signing off, for now!~

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