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Today, they both have a mission. Themission is verry complicate and long, they have to fight a group of 8persons in a village which is not far to the akatsuki's lair. The twoninjas fight each on theirside, each having 4 people to fight. At thebeginning, it was really easy and fast. The problem is that the fightis getting harder and more complicated. Suddenly, Hidan find himselftrapped and surronded by all. He smile and lift his scythe.

Hidan: you really thinksthat i can't handle it?! You make me feel laugh, you dont know me!

-At the same time, Kakuzu appear, graband immobilizes the 8 opponents with lot of big threads that come outof his body. He propel them more far from hidan and carries him inhis arms to go away . Hidan srat get angry against kakuzu.

Hidan: ahh! Kakuzu! Youknow that i can handle it! I'm more strong and smart than that! Itwas too easy!

-Kakuzu look at him in a threatning wayand silence him

Kakuzu: be quiet you werejust waisting time! I will go look for their bodies after! It's verryimportant! They cost ninety-five thousand ryos! I dont do that foryou, it's just for money!

-they come to the lair and kakuzuinstantly return to the place where the bodies are. Hidan feel weirdand lost, but happy.

Hidan: i dont know whathappens with him usually he is cold, mean and reject me all thetime...weird man.

-Hidan come in the lair and starttalking with the other members about the mission of today.

Later the night fall in the lair, andas always, everyone one join his room for sleep. As always hidan tryto join his own room but, as always, Kakuzu is here, block the door.Hidan start sigh.

Hidan: So Kakuzu will youdo that all the time now?!..always i come with you in your room andit's never for count your's for make me suffer and afterwhen i wkae up during the night i find you, against my'snot know that i like all this suffering that you do tome...but it's strange because i dont know why you do that.. will youexplain me one day?

-A heavy silence settles between them,they are in the dark, we can just see the eyes of kakuzu. Heapproach, push hidan to the wall again and squeeze his neck again.

Kakuzu:...yes it'strue..there is a reason why i acte like that..but your not allowed toknow it..or maybe one be quiet and come with me in my room..ineed you for count always

-Hidan sigh, because he know how nightwill unfold..all he will undergo again.. he knows all he willfeel...and once again go crazy.

The next day is a special day for theakatsuki. It's the anniversary of the foundation of the organization.For this event they prepare a big ceremony, a big buffet just forthem. They invited some sectarian acquaintances from differentsvillage.

The party is going wonderfully. Duringthe event, Kakuzu approach hidan and start talk with him.

Hidan: oh..youagain..what do you want? We dony have time for... «Count money» asyou alway say and fed up to support all you do to me's useless, too moving for me.. make suffer people that yousells for killing them but leave me alone..i'm not a toy..and it'snot for Jashin..and it does not not interest me!

-Kakuzu look at him without sayingsomething and leave hidan finish his sentence.

Kakuzu: well.. i thouhgtyou wanted to know why i act like that..but now you dont want..greatso i leave you, have a nice evening idiot.

-Kakuzu walk away but hidan catches upwith him and look at him seriously.

Hidan:..of course i wantto know explain me i'm fed up of your stranges acts.

Kakuzu:...fine.. as youknow..we are teammate since few years now...and since i can't will be my teammate for a longtime again i iresigned myself to be cold and mean with you..i think we need to workin a btter way together if you accept..anyway in fact, you dont havethe choice..

-Hidan look at him and smile, blush alittle and try to stay serious.

Hidan: well, it's a goodidea yes.. and so? Why your so possessive with me? And during thenight where supposed to count your money..why we dont do that?...whyyou make me suffer in a different way? know that i'm immortalso i will not die..and you know my relationship to pain..

-Kakuzu smile but we can't see with themask. He just approach and take the hand of dian who blush a lot.

Kakuzu: yes i perfectlyknow it's true..and it's why i do that..because i care abou you...andi want that you feel good with me..your my teammate..and just mine..idont want to share way..impossible for me..i'm not allowedwith it..your mine is it clear?

-Hidan do big eyes, open his mouth ofsurprise and want to talk but kakuzu stop him. He take his neck, hidehis eyes and quickly kiss him.

Kakuzu: mine. That all .

-he leave the eyes of hidan and say himto say nothing that is between them. And as nothing happened he leavehidan and join the other member , leaving hidan speechless and lot.He start blush a lot.

Hidan: K..kakuzu..samefor me..let's continue like that...

-He start smirk and join the othermembers for finish the event.


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