Making Amends ?

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Brie: Dean would you mind coming with me real quick
Dean: Sure
Nattie: Hay Roman
Naomi: Wassup
Roman: Wassup Guys
Brie: Dean why did you bring him here
Dean: what I haven't seen him in weeks we barley talk to each other I miss my friend okay
Brie: I get that but you forgot about Nicole how do think she's gonna react to her ex that cheated on her is here
Dean: Of course I thought about Nicole but I was hoping that maybe he could apologize to her and beg for her forgiveness so things can get back to the way they used to
Brie: it's not gonna be that easy Dean you know that right
Dean: I know but you'll never know if they try to talk to him including you
Brie: Fine
Dean: Come on
Roman: Hello Brie
Brie: Hay Roman how you been
Roman: I've been good lately work has been stressful lately
Brie: I understand
Roman: So where's you sister and how's she's been
Brie: Um Nicole has been good she's here somewhere but she's been really happy lately
Roman: That's good
Nikki: Hay Brie where is the other wine I need some mo.....
Roman: Hi Nicole
Nikki: Uhh..... Hi..... Hello Roman Brie wine now
Brie: it's in the basement Nicole
Nikki: Right Excuse me everyone
Dean: Well that's a start
Brie: How about I start to serve people okay
Randy: Hay guy's
Brie: Randy hey
Randy: Roman Dean wassup guys
Roman: What are you doing here
Randy: oh Nicole invited me
Roman: Oh did she
Randy: yea
Nikki: I got the wine where did Brie go
Dean: She went to go serve the food so everyone can eat
Randy: Nicole
Nikki: Hay Randy finally you made it
Randy: Yea I almost didn't make it my Uber was really slow
Nikki: thank god that you made it come on let's eat
Roman: Uh Nicole
Nicole: Come on Randy
Roman: See Dean she doesn't want to talk
Dean: Don't worry you guys will talk before the night is over
Brie: Everyone hope you all enjoy the food
Dean: Come on let's eat
Randy: This food is delicious
Nikki: Brie is a really good cook
Randy: are you
Nikki: Yea I like to cook but I rarely do because I'm never home from the schedule I have
Randy: I love to cook my favorite dish is Sushi actually
Nikki: Really I haven't had sushi in so long
Randy: I know this great sushi place near my house would you like to go sometime
Nikki: Are you asking me out Randy
Randy: Yes I am if that's okay with you
Nikki: Yes it is I would love to
Randy: Okay
Paige: Dean
Dean: yea
Paige: so what happened did they speak to each other
Dean: No not really only for like a second Nicole was frozen like she saw a ghost
Paige: Yea because you brought her Ex here
Roman: I'm right next to you guys
Paige: Sorry but what do you expect she hasn't spoke to you since what the rumble
Roman: Yea but she basically told me off
Dean: But you guys are in the same place this time all you need is some alone time so you can apologize
Roman: But I did
Dean: Just do it okay
Roman: okay
Randy: This Garden is very nice
Nikki: Yea well Brie & Bryan's are gardeners and they take that very seriously
Randy: I can tell
Uber Alert
Randy: Well that is my Uber he's outside Nicole I had a good time and great food tell Brie & Bryan I said thank you
Nikki: No problem hay do you have your leftovers ?
Randy: Of course Well I'll see you at work
Nikki: Goodnight Randy
Randy: Goodnight
Dean: okay mows you're chance
Roman: okay
Dean: just go
Roman: don't push me okay I'm going
Roman: Hi
Nikki: Hi
Roman: Nice party right
Nikki: yea we better get back inside
Roman: Nicole wait
Nikki: Roman Now is not the time
Roman: please just let me say this okay
Nikki: what
Roman: I'm sorry okay I shouldn't have done what I did and I can't change that that doesn't make me a horrible person I just did a really horrible thing to an amazing girl, tonight I saw how happy you were you deserve happiness and if that happiness is with Randy I'm happy for you
Nikki: Yes Randy does make me happy but he's not my boyfriend he's just a really good friend maybe it will turn into something more than that who's knows but apart of me hopes so because I deserve it because the last couple of months have been awful there have been nights where I would cry myself to sleep or cry a work which I can't do because I need to be professional
Roman: I know
Nikki: I'm not done Roman what you did was very terrible
Roman: I know and I'm sorry
Nikki: I bet you are
Roman: I am I realized what I did was terrible I ruined many relationships I had with everyone in their because of what I did no one would barley talk to me which I understand but I want to change that
Nikki: what do you mean
Roman: I called Dean today because I missed my best friend who I haven't spoken to in weeks I miss hanging out with him and Paige just like the good old days
Nikki: well it's not like that anymore
Roman: it can be all I'm asking for is a second chance at friendship Nicole I know that you will never give me another chance after what I did but can we ever be friends again
Nikki: I don't know Roman
Roman: Please I'm so sorry
Nikki: How about this we can work on being friends again because we work together and I want to be professional with you & Sasha
Roman: Okay
Nikki: Okay then
Raining Sounds
Roman: We should get inside I know you wouldn't want to get your outfit wet
Nikki: yea
Roman: I'll get the door
Nikki: Thank you
Dean: So did it work
Roman: Kind of
Dean: what happened
Roman: Basically I have a long way to earn her friendship back

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