Name Dropping

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Asher and Bram looked at each other uncertainly as the crowd continued to disperse. Soon just the four of them remained in the challenge circle.

"What now, Ash?" Bram asked him, and Asher's heart skipped a beat at the familiar words.

"Now," Fallon said, donning an elderly voice, "you come over to our house and talk like a civilized young man. If that's alright with you, Ares?"

Ares and Asha walked up, arm-in-arm. Ares nodded, "That's fine."

Bram followed them to the parking lot.

"I only have room for five..." Asha said hesitantly.

Bram shrugged, "I drove. Want to ride with me, Ash?"

"Sure," Asher felt himself breathe.

"You don't have to," Fallon said.

"Yeah," Ares agreed, cracking his knuckles. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

Asher saw Bram's jaw flex, his fist clench. "I wasn't trying to make him do anything. Back off. He's mine."

"Asher is his own person," Asha spat back. "Not your property."

"Unless you two are into that kind of thing," Hase added, a slight flush in her cheeks as she glanced at Fallon.

Bram's jaw went slack, and a weird look crossed his face. "Ash...exactly what kind of people are you hanging out with?"

Asher laughed at his bewilderment, "Loyal ones. And yeah, I'll ride with you. Asha, chill. I own Bram as much as he owns me. It's always been equal."

She relaxed at that, "Okay. Just making sure."

"We'll meet you at the house," Fallon said, climbing into the back of the car and prompting the others to follow.

Bram led Asher to his truck, hesitating at the front of it.

"What?" Asher wondered.

"Am I supposed to open the door for you and stuff now?" Bram wondered.

Asher rolled his eyes, "No. I'm still me, Bram."

Bram nodded.

The two of them climbed into the cab of the truck, sitting in silence as Bram started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot, following Asha.

After a dozen miles or so, Bram finally glanced at him and said, "I'm sorry, Ash. I--"

Asher shook his head, admitting, "It's my fault. I thought I made everything clear the day I asked you to be my boyfriend. I guess I wasn't blunt enough. I'm sorry I freaked you out."

Asher could feel Bram's surprise before he pulled his emotions inward. "You said 'functionally female'. I just thought you meant you had a tiny dick or that it had been cut... "

"I do have some cuts down there," Asher agreed.

"Dirk showed me a medical book, you know," Bram said hesitantly.

"Oh?" What was Bram looking in a medical book for?

Bram nodded, "Female anatomy. It's not as different as I thought. You have this thing called a clitoris. It hardens when you're turned on just like my dick."

Asher snorted, felt a smile pull at his face. "Are you really telling me about my own body?"

Bram blushed, "Oh. You already knew that, huh?"

"How do you think I cum?" Asher asked, amused.

Bram looked decidedly uncomfortable, "Uh, well, the sheath part."

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