001 : ʟᴇᴠɪ

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↪︎ "And.. that's why I want to be your girlfriend, Levi!" a girl stammered as she confessed to the boy in front of her, who was none other than Levi Ackerman.

He looked at her with a bored expression. "Not interested." He said simply, and walked away, leaving her with a shocked expression on her face.

Levi Ackerman was used to girls confessing their "love" for him, or leaving love letters in his locker. He was a quiet kid, and didn't really talk to anyone besides his three bestfriends Hanji, Petra, & Erwin.

PSA: In this fanfiction, the assigned ages in AOT of Levi, Hanji, Petra, & Erwin do not correspond. They are all high schoolers in this story. (Seniors.)

Levi never thought much of other people, let alone girls. He didn't really care about anything, besides those three friends, his family, and school. He was a quiet guy with a calm and reserved manner to most.

So, you may ask, why do so many girls want him if his personality seems that unappealing from the outside? It's simple — Levi Ackerman was drop-dead gorgeous. He had jet-black hair that was in a middle part hairstyle, and piercing gray blueish eyes. He had a lean, muscular body and his style consisted mostly of white button up shirts, a belt, and black jeans, along with rings and his chain that read a single L. He was total eye candy for any girl that laid their eyes on him. He never really cared for women, though-- He knew he was attracted to them, but he never really had a crush, or liked anyone, ever.

Levi sat down on a bench in Crystal Park, where he had been peacefully reading before the girl confessed to him. As he was lost in his book, an unknown figure tapped his head, but he didn't look up.

"Is the spot next to you taken?"

It was a female voice.

Ah, great. Another girl. But he admitted, he was bored.

"No." he said flatly, eyes still glued to the book.

"Okayy." the girl said in a funny tone.

She sat down, and simply opened a book and started to read. She didn't talk to Levi, or even acknowledge that he was there.

She isn't acknowledging me? How strange. Who is she? He thought.

He waited another ten minutes, but the girl kept calmly reading, enveloped in her book as much as Levi was.

The wind blew, and it moved the bench a little. She giggled.

"Gross, there's hair in my mouth now," she whispered to herself.

Her laugh was insanely cute for some reason. Then, Levi found himself doing something he never does: he started a conversation.

"So, how's your book?" he asked her, but didn't take his eyes off his.

"Great! It's basically about some vampire who falls in love with a human. It's adorable, but there's so many sad chapters, because of their differences. and whatnot." she said in a light tone.

"So a knockoff version of Twilight?" Levi said, chuckling.

"Basically. How's your book?"

"Good. I come here to read sometimes." he responded.

"Me too. The cherry blossom tree behind this bench makes the perfect shade & I like to stop by the boba tea shop nearby beforehand to have a drink while I read. But then I end up staying too long because I'm so caught up in my book and my mom gets mad at me." She chuckled.

"Boba tea's gross." he said, emphasizing his s.

"It is not!" she huffed.

"It is."




He burst out laughing.

"Hey, you wanna look up at me now?" she said in a warm tone.

"Hmmm. Should I?" he said, teasing her.

"You're a jerk." She said, rolling her eyes. "C'mon!"

His curiosity got the best of him, and he moved his head to her direction. His eyes widened, and his grip on his book tightened.

She was absolutely stunning.

〈︎ i'm a sucker for fluff. hope you guys enjoyed the first chap! - author <3 〉︎


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