The game of Truth or Dare

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As I sat in the circle of friends I had made my eyes scanned over every smiling face. They were all currently laughing at Luke doing an old school dance routine he had learnt with one of his friends. I smiled slightly as I watched him flounce around. I looked down at my phone and pressed the lock button. The time read 9:40pm. I was feeling sick and didn't feel up to being around this company much longer. Ashton had his arm around his girlfriend and my stomach panged at the thought of how that could be me.  I snapped myself out of that thought process and returned to the game as I heard one of my best friends shouting. 

"TRUTH OR DARE YOU SHIT!!" Mikey  was pointing at Oliver. These boys had a habit of picking dares and, whilst it was amusing, it was scary as shit because I didn't want to be put up to any of the dares they had put each other up to. I pulled at the long sleeves on my shirt as I watched Ollie being dared to give Calum a lap dance. I couldn't help but giggle a little at that. As Ollie removed himself from Calum I could see a mischevious look on his face as his eyes darted between myself, Calum and Ashton. Ollie was one of the few who knew about my problems. I had a troubled relationship life, while crushing on two of the guys in the group. Both of which I knew I had no chance with due to the fact that A. Ashton had a girlfriend, B. I was supposedly in some sort of relationship and C. there was no way Calum would ever want me. I think the Ashton part was just a celebrity crush type thing. I wasn't going to try and look into it too hard even though my stomach did weird flips when I was around him. 
"Calum Thomas Hood" Oliver began. "Truth... Or Dare..." everyone started to bang their hands on the floor for a drum roll. Calum looked at Ollie as if to say "Did you seriously have to ask?" before replying with Dare. 
"Brilliant!! Because I dare you, to take Miss Y/L/N into the bathroom and do whatever you want to her." Ollie looked extremely proud but my stomach did an insane flip and I saw Cal turn pink. I could hear everyone cheering and making very loud noises. It was a wonder we hadn't recieved any noise complaints from the rooms next door. I stood up and tried to be as flirtatious as possible, walking over and grabbing his hands and pulling him behind me. My mind was racing at what I wanted to secretly do while in this bathroom. I knew it would never happen but I wanted to be confident at least once in my life. 

As I shut the door behind us I could hear everyones foot steps race to outside the door. Leaning across me to lock the door Calum brushed his fingers against my arm. I shivered at his touch knowing this was a whole new feeling. Calum was one of my closest friends who knew absolutely everything about me, apart from my slight crush on him. He knew about Jeremy and Ashton but not about himself as I was too afraid to tell him how I felt. He came closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. His familiar smell instantly made me feel better. 
"You are in a long sleeved shirt and its 40 degrees. How are you doing it? Everyone else is in their bathers still." He pulled back from the hug and I just covered up how I was feeling by flashing him a smile. 

"It's really not that hot man. I'm fine." I replied knowing deep down he wouldn't take the bait. He moved back and kissed the top of my head. This time I looked up at him and studied his face. I knew this face so well and yet over this past week things had happened that made me feel like I didn't know it as well as I used to. There was a new feeling now, as I was looking into his eyes. They looked distracted, as if something was eating away at his concience. I looked at his lips and the sensation filled me again. I wanted to feel his lips against mine. I knew it was wrong to want that but a girl can dream can't she? She can dream that a boy she has a crush on will save her from the cage she's been put in. But of course this isn't a story, nor a fairy tale. Things just don't happen the way you want them to. I reached up and touched the side of his face. Every inch of his skin was soft and I loved the feel beneath my tiny hands. His eyes darted to lock with mine and he tried smiling but I could see it took every ounce of spare energy he had left in him. My brain suddenly started telling me that if I just lightly pulled at the nape of his neck he would lean down and kiss me. I nervously fidgeted with his hair and tugged slightly at his neck. I could feel myself starting to edge onto tip-toes. A wave of confusion flashed over Calum's face and suddenly he crashed his lips to mine. I never knew this was something I had been craving until now. Every inch of my soul was reaching for him. I could feel me grabbing at his shirt trying to pull him closer to me. I wanted him as close as possible. I needed to feel every inch of his body next to mine. I wanted to feel his heart beat against mine. He was tense to begin with, like he didn't want to hurt me. He knew how fragile I could be, but now was not the time. 

"Cal I'm not a doll. Kiss me like you want to" and as soon as the words left my lips he kissed me again with as much force as he could muster. His tongue traced my bottom lip and I shivered at his touch. I suddenly broke away from him and tried to breathe. His breathing had picked up in pace and I laughed slightly. I clung onto him for dear life and realised something. With Calum our bodies fit. I had hugged Ashton and I never fit properly, but him and his girlfriend fit perfectly together. (To be honest they were pretty darn cute.) The same with Jeremy. Calum interlaced his fingers with mine and I noticed how well our hands fit together. I have this theory, well I have many theories, but the biggest one is the Soul Mate one. Your soul is created with double of everything to begin with and when it goes into the first bodies it splits. You then spend your life looking for your soul mate and when you find them you feel like everything is right. You fit perfectly together, like the right puzzle piece. I was always telling myself that with Jeremy it would just take time and that he was my soul mate. Being here with Calum I knew I had been lying to myself the entire time. You don't need time to realise they are your soul mate. It's as if someone flicks the switch in your body and your entire being is filled with this beautiful pure light. 

I was suddenly pulled away from my mind when Calum pulled away from me, his hands over his mouth, a shocked look in his eyes. I wanted to reach up and take his hands away from his mouth. I wanted him to hold me instead. I suddenly realised what was wrong. We had kissed. Calum, my best friend of a few years, and I kissed. And it wasn't just a small kiss it was such a passionate kiss. 
"Y/N what... what was that...?" Calum asked. I could feel tears burning my eyes and I refused to let him see me cry again. I had to get out of there. I leant off the door and unlocked it. I swung open the door with full force and watched as everyone tried to scramble away from the frame. I glared at Oliver and I turned and left. Opening the hotel door I could hear people asking what was going on. I ran as fast as I could down the hallway away from the elevators. I needed them to not know where I was. I grabbed at my wrist and winced in pain. As I stopped at a balcony I stepped outside for some fresh air. I breathed heavily as I was recovering from my run. I took off my long sleeved shirt realising how hot it really was and just sat. Looking down at my arms I let my tears fall freely. I had multicoloured marks up and down my arms from the week. I felt my body shake and I clutched my knees to my chest. No one could know. If they told Jeremy, things would be bad. No one could know. My phone started vibrating and I didn't look at the name before answering.
"H-Hello?" I sniffled, trying to sound like I hadn't been crying.
"Where the FUCK are you?!" shouted a familiar voice. At this I tried swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat. "You better fucking come home tonight or you know what I'll do. You fucking bitch. How DARE you go out with those dicks. They don't even like you." I cried at the words he spat at me. Everything he said I could feel his hands over me. 
"Goodbye Jeremy" I said. I hung up and lost my nerves. I fell to the side and started to hyperventilate. I could feel a burning in my chest as I tried to get myself to breathe. I closed my eyes and just let told myself to breathe. 

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